Workshop Series Details

Part 1: Mindfulness and Non-Duality

The essence of mindfulness is non-duality.

As witness to the workings of our minds we soon realise that we are not our thoughts, not our defensive patterns and not our stories. This realisation raises the question who or what are we? What is our true nature?

Part 2: From Fiction to Freedom

Our life script, the personal narrative profoundly influences our whole lives. Adler called this our guiding fiction. The loosening of our identification with the script reveals true freedom.

Part 3: Script & Counter-Script

In our self enquiry we can observe how we’ve countered the original core belief in the script. For example “I’m unlovable unless I’m caring for others”. Non-dual therapy will often involve the letting go of this conditional love and a dropping into the core script through to our true nature.

Part 4: Into the Stillness

“I sit in my stillness and invite people into theirs” Jin Ho (Buddhist nun). This beautifully describes the process of non-dual therapy. What does this mean in practice? and how is this possible in our busy worlds and agitated minds?

Part 5: Therapy Without the Therapist

In true presence the therapist sits there “without memory or desire” (Bion). We could they are present but absent…absent of role, of expectation and of personal agendas driven by the personal narrative.

Martin Wells

Martin Wells is a teaching and supervising transactional analyst who has also been studying and practising meditation for over 30 years. He works part-time in the NHS in the UK, as a consultant psychotherapist and teaches mindfulness and practises psychotherapy from a non dual perspective. He is the founder of TA ~ Spiritual and has led retreats in Scotland, Goa and Spain. His first book ‘Sitting in the Stillness‘ was published by John Hunt Publishing in February 2020. ‘No one Playing’ is published in January 2022 and his new book 'Lost for Words: the poetry of non-duality' will be published by John Hunt Publishing November 2022 Website |

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Testimonials: Live Attendees

Michael Houser

An excellent arena for all therapists interested in mindfulness and self in therapy.

Jacqui Brooks

I loved the meditation and I love the discussion reflections/questions and Martin's responses.