Conference Details
Conference Welcome with John Wilson And Andrew Reeves
Panel Discussion - 4th International Conference On Pluralistic Counselling And Psychotherapy 2021
Incorporating Positive Psychology Into The Pluralistic Framework- Cindy Cromar
The Roots Of The Autistic Mind - Lisa Cromar
A Solid Post In The Ground - Imogen Harries
On Being A Pluralist - The Importance of Therapist Identity and Rational Styles - Kate Smith
Exploring The Collaborative Research Data Base - Sophia Balamoutsou & Brian Rodgers
Pluralistic Practices And Causations-Rolf Sundet
Working Pluralistically With Parts Of Self-A Collaborative - Nicola Blunden
Reflecting On Moral Injury, Trauma, Loss Through A Pruralistic Lens- Alison O' Connor
Exploring The Experience Counselling Students In The Use Of Deliberate Practice - Hilary Mcnally
Creativity Group
Research Group
Meeting Cross-Cultural Selves-Building Links Between Anthropology And Pluralistic Psychotherapy- Hannah Gilbert
Pluralistic Philosophies And The Future Of Pluralistic Therapies - Jay Beichman
The Lotus In The Theraphy Room - Jill Brennan
Collaborative Contracting With Children And Young People - Ani De La Prida
The Neuro Science Of Well Being And Personal Purpose - Robin Higgins
Anger Management - When ADHD or Autism Underpins Domestic Conflict and Violence - Alex Drummond
Collaborative Engagement With Suicidal Clients - Andrew Reeves
Autistic Masking - Lisa Cromar
Reaching For Clinical Expertise - Deliberate Practice In Psychotherapy - Alexander Vaz And Tony Rousmaniere
Mick Cooper

Mick Cooper is an internationally recognised author, trainer, and consultant in the field of humanistic, existential, and pluralistic therapies.

He is a Chartered Psychologist, and Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton. Mick has facilitated workshops and lectures around the world, including New Zealand, Lithuania, and Florida. Mick's books include Existential Therapies (Sage, 2017), Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2018), and The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling (Palgrave, 2013).

His latest work is Integrating Counselling and Psychotherapy: Directionality, Synergy, and Social Change (Sage, 2019). Mick’s principal areas of research have been in shared decision-making/personalising therapy, and counselling for young people in schools. In 2014, Mick received the Carmi Harari Mid-Career Award from Division 32 of the American Psychological Association.

He is a Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Academy of Social Sciences.

Dr. Andrew Reeves

Dr. Andrew Reeves is a Professor in the Counselling Professions and Mental Health, a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist and a Registered Social Worker.

His practice experience spans over 35 years, when he first trained as a Samaritans volunteer at 18, before moving into social and work therapy. His research focus in working with risk in therapy, having experienced the suicide of a client during his training. Since then, he was published extensively in this area. He is previous Editor-in-Chief of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research journal, past-Chair of BACP and is Chair of the York St John Advisory Board Counselling and Mental Health Research Clinic. He supervises mostly doctoral research in counselling, psychotherapy and psychological trauma.

Cindy Cromar

Life Coach and Wellbeing Advisor, currently studying her MSc Counselling at Abertay University and working towards Alcohol counselling accreditation - will be presenting a 30-minute Research into Practice workshop titled: “Incorporating positive psychology into the Pluralistic Framework - taking a client from functioning to flourishing.”

Lisa Cromar

Lisa is autistic Person-Centred Counsellor and works predominantly with autistic clients, will be presenting a Research in Practice PowerPoint and chat titled: “The Roots of the Autistic Mind: the efficacy of utlising the Pluralistic approach when working with individuals.” Lisa will also be presenting a 60-minute Practice into Research PowerPoint and chat titled: “Autistic Masking: learning how to understand and assist a client in deciphering making behaviours.”

Imogen Harries

Family Therapist for Adult Secondary Care – Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and is studying for her Docterate at University of South Wales – will be presenting a 30-minute Research in Practice Paper titled: “A Solid Post in the Ground: Pluralism and the supervision of experienced secondary school-based counsellors: Emerging ideas and the implications for Supervisory practice.”

Dr. Kate Smith

I am a career academic at Abertay University, the small and friendly home of pluralistic practice. I have taught the approach for ten years, and supervise practice. I was the lead of the Pluralistic steering group from 2017-2021, and am active in researching the approach.

I chose to offer this workshop in response to a number of requests for input from students and practitioners alike following the publication of The Pluralistic Practice Primer in 2021. I believe strongly in bringing communities of practitioners together and evolving our understanding of the approach, working with practitioners always brings together such a wealth of experience and shared value that each session is rich with experience and enjoyment.

Having trained in pluralistic practice over a decade ago, and led the first training programme in the approach, I have 'grown-up' within Pluralistic therapy and seen how it has evolved over the years to become an influential and inclusive way of practising counselling and psychotherapy. More people have adopted the pluralistic stance and practice than have ever been trained in it, mainly because it speaks to the values and lived experience of people who work day to day with clients.

Rolf Sundet

Specialist Clinical Psychologist - will be presenting a 90-minute Practice in Research Workshop titled: “Workshop: Pluralistic practices and causation – on a helpful perspective and tool for practice in a world of complexities.”

Sophia Balamoutsou

MBACP Accredited counsellor/psychotherapist, lecturer at the Institute for Counselling and Psychological Studies, Athens, Greece

Dr. Brian Rodgers

Brian Rodgers is a senior lecturer and programme director for the counsellor education programmes at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. Brian has been involved with counsellor education over the last two decades at a number of institutions including Auckland University of Technology, University of Queensland in Australia, and University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. He is chair of the scientific committee for PCE2021 and a board member of the World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counseling (WAPCEPC).

Nicola Blunden

Nicola is a Person-Centred Pluralistic Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer - will be presenting a 90-minute Practice in Research Workshop titled: “Working Pluralistically with Parts of Self - A Collaborative Space.”

Alison O’Connor

Alison O’Connor is a Lecturer in Therapeutic Practice & Consultative Supervision with University of South Wales; Pluralistic Counsellor trained in CBT, informed by Humanistic philosophy in group work. Alison will be presenting a 60-minute Practice in Research Workshop titled: “Title: Reflecting on moral injury, trauma and loss through a pluralistic lens.”

Hilary McNally

Hilary McNally is a Pluralistic Counsellor at the University of Abertay, Dundee will be presenting a Research in Practice paper titled: “Exploring the experience of counselling students in the use of deliberate practice.”

Jill Brennan

Jill Brennan is a Consultant Counsellor, CBT and EMDR Therapist and Counselling Supervisor - will be presenting a 60-minure Research into Practice talk titled: “The lotus in the therapy room: one Nichiren Buddhist therapist’s journey to pluralism.”

Ani de la Prida

Ani is a psychotherapist, creative arts counsellor and supervisor who brings a person-centred and pluralistic philosophy to her work. She is passionate about creative approaches to therapy and training. She has over twenty years’ experience working with children, young people, adults and groups. Her experience includes working in schools, drug treatment programmes, probation services, offender programmes, EAP for Essex Police and Essex Fire Services, and she currently has a small private practice.

Ani is the founder of the Association for Person Centred Creative Arts where she is course director, and is also a senior lecturer at the University of East London. Ani has worked on several projects for the BACP and is an Executive Member of the Private Practice Division. Her research interests include creative arts in therapy, digital media in therapy and pluralistic practice.

The Pluralistic Therapy Primer (PCCS Books 2021)

What Works in Counselling and Psychotherapy Relationships (BACP 2020)

The Handbook of Counselling Children and Young People (Sage, 2018)

Robin Higgins

Robin Higgins is a Counsellor at the University of Central Asia in Kyrgyzstan will be presenting a 60-minute Practice in Research Workshop titled: “The Neuro-Science of Well-Being and Personal Purpose.”

Alex Drummond

BACP Senior Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist with research interests in conditions of neuro-diversity. Alex will be presenting 60-minute Practice in Research Workshop titled: “Anger Management: when ADHD or Autism underpins domestic conflict and violence.”