Workshop Details
Contracting for Reflective Space in Coaching Super-Vision with Alex Eunkyeong Yu
Everything is Something with Dr. Louie Gardiner
Self-centering: re-incorporating all of myself in living~learning inquiry. Naturally! with Dr. Louie Gardiner
Creative Supervision with Shirley Smith & Jo Birch
Silence in Action with Iuliana Rusei & Liliana Urziceanu
Ubuntu and Supervision: Tapping into ancient African Wisdom to Ignite Human Connection with Dumi Magadlela
Hands-On Reflection-on-Action with LEGO® Serious Play® methods The hand is the visible part of the brain – Kant with Paul Sanbar
Who is in the Room? Supervision, Supported by Our Ancestors with Felicia Lauw
Regenerative Thinking Practice with Svetlana Ushakova
The Golden Age of Supervision with Marina Chernova
Generative Behaviours in Coaching Supervision - Jo Birch
Supervision in Leadership - a new perspective with Mongezi Makhalima
Engage with Love in Leadership Coaching & Supervision with Iuliana Rusei & Alina Ionescu
Cultural Considerations of Bereavement in Coaching with Julia Menaul & Maggie João
Alex Eunkyeong Yu, PhD, PCC, CPF

Alex is a certified coaching supervisor and faculty for Coaching Supervision School at a Seoul-based coaching firm. She enjoys reflective dialogue and collaborative enquiry with fellow coaches. In her view, supervision is both challenging and enjoyable as it aims to keep both parties at their learning edges.

Alex is representing a Finnish consulting firm in Korea, and prior, was a Senior Consultant at a consulting firm in Shanghai. She holds both a PhD and an MA in Human and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University. She is the author of book chapters on executive coaching in Innovations in Leadership Coaching and Leadership
Coaching in China.

Dr. Louie J N Gardiner, BA (hons), MBA, FRSA

Accredited Master Coach and Supervisor, Change Consultant, facilitator/trainer:

Louie has been passionately involved in liberating human potential for 30+ years. Her pioneering approaches are born of an enduring commitment to act for the wellbeing of all and to safeguard her own trustworthiness in whatever she does. Her body of work represents the fusion of real-world practice and academic research. Presence in Action and Symmathesic Agency are at the heart what she offers. This integrating body of work – brought alive in her Doctoral research and underpinned by principles of natural inclusion, complexity thinking and primal animation – brings together radically different approaches to catalysing and nurturing personal and collective capacities for generative change – consciously, creatively, playfully.

Louie’s past roles include CEO, Board Trustee, Head of Corporate Performance & Development; lecturer to undergraduate degrees and post-graduate. She has contributed to both academic and practice-based journals e.g. Human Arenas, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, e-O&P Journal, Coaching Today, the3rdi magazine, and Book Chapters in The Collaboratory; Coaching Supervision: Advancing Practice, Changing Landscapes; and Coaching Supervision Groups.

Jo Birch

Supervisor, executive coach and psychotherapist.

Jo brings people together in global learning communities. As Director of Crucial Difference & International Centre for Reflective Practice, Jo leads an international team providing ground-breaking training for coaches to become supervisors, and to continue developing as leaders in the profession. She is an accredited supervisor, previously Chair of BACP Coaching and Board member of Association of Coaching Supervisors (AOCS) and European Association of Supervision and Coaching (EASC).

Jo is co-editor of EMCC Mastery Series publication Coaching Supervision: Advancing Practice, Changing Landscapes and Editor of Coaching Supervision Groups, a foundational text on coaching supervision. She was previously series editor of Thinking Global in Coaching Today.

Jo lives in Edinburgh and loves exploring - kayaking the Scottish coast, mountain biking, playing with her grandchildren and resting in the garden sunshine.

Shirley Smith

Shirley has extensive experience in cross-cultural work as a coach, mentor and supervisor of coaches and mentors. She often works with people who are working across cultures and might themselves be living in a different country from where they were born. Perhaps thinking in or speaking a language that is not their mother tongue. As a coach, supervisor and facilitator creative tools provide a gateway to a different way framing themes, discovering possibilities and expressing difficult emotions or dynamics when our constraint of language cannot readily or easily express what we are feeling or experiencing. From first-hand experience Shirley believes that imagery, art-based and embodied approaches can work both in-person and virtually. These are tools and skills that anybody can learn. Shirley has fine-tuned her skills in working with creative tools on a foundation of over 30 years in global human resource roles enabling both organisational and leadership development.

Iuliana Rusei

Iuliana is an Executive Coach, a Coaching and Leadership Supervisor, focusing on leadership development and executive presence. Her purpose is to inspire people to lead with kindness, contribute to budling authentic, value-driven leadership. She has more than 10 years in top leadership positions, highly experienced in organizational transformation, change and transition management. On a more personal note, she loves travelling, exploring, always trying to discover new places, both in the world and inside ourselves. She is playful, joyful, sometimes with her head in the clouds, but also inclined towards self-reflection and committed to accompany people in their own growth.

Liliana Urziceanu

Liliana is passionate about accompanying leaders to reach superior levels of performance and fulfilment. She started from a technical background, as an engineer, with analytical thinking and logic as a base, integrating then, new skills and learnings which brought her to leadership executive management roles. The pragmatism and result focus combined with reflection, empathy, compassion, working with edges are her ingredients of today. As an Executive Coach, Consultant, Mentor and Coach Supervisor she is offering her clients a space for growth, exploration and self- awareness enjoying the enrichment coming from the co-created journeys.

Dumi Magadlela

Dumi is an Executive Coach, Team Coach and Ubuntu Coach based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is currently a Director on the Global Board of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Dumi is Senior Faculty at The Coaching Centre (TCC) in South Africa where he teaches “Coaching in the African Context”. Dumi is also faculty at the University of Stellenbosch Business School’s MPhil in Management Coaching. Internationally, Dumi is faculty at the WBECS’ Global Team Coaching Institute (GTCI). He is accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) as a Senior Practitioner in Team Coaching.

Paul Sanbar

An Ingenuity + Executive Coach, coaching supervisor and visual thinking facilitator, Paul Sanbar’s life and career has been dedicated to the field of self-development and to effecting positive change through purposeful play, storytelling, and powerful conversations initially as a psychotherapist and now as an ICF accredited coach and certified coaching supervisor [EMCC - ESIA pending]. A certified LEGO® Serious Play® methods coach and member of the MURAL Consultant Network, Paul supports his clients to think and reflect not only with words, but also with their eyes and hands, putting their imagination to work in both tactile and technological ways.

Felicia Lauw

Felicia Lauw is an EMCC EISA accredited Coach Supervisor, EIA Master Practitioner and a winner of 2020 EMCC Global Supervision Award. She is a senior faculty at CSA and is passionate about sustainability of our profession. She advocates for diversity and inclusion, especially in the coaching/mentoring and supervision space. She believes in equal partnership with people to co-create sustainable growth for our society through healthy, energising and honest dialogue. She has 30 years in business, organization and people transformation change experience and served clients from 35 countries. She works in English, Chinese and Cantonese.

Svetlana Ushakova

Svetlana is a curious person and feels happy in personal life. In childhood she did a lot music, ballet and sports classes. Mostly she was interested in the world of energy: natural methods of production, different levels of energy, the role of energy in our lives. It happened often when Svetlana saw miracles and she always knew that there was a different world order than it was taught in school.She started to study physics in the republican physics-mathematical school, later in university. She participated in different experimental groups that made researches on anomalous phenomena. Nowadays Svetlana is continuing her researches in astrology, taro, game “transformation”, in the field of Reiki practice, regenerative way to observe any phenomena as a living system and understand what is the level of the energy where the call, reaction and ability to action comes from.

Marina Chernova

Coach PCC ICF, supervisor, business-mentor, organizational psychologist and arranger, psychologist in emotional imagery therapy, PhD in economics, partner in International School of Supervision and Reflective Practice. My life path started from mining engineer to a top manager from 1994 in the largest Russian and International companies. Since 2014 – professional coach, since 2018 – supervisor and business-mentor. My clients are business people who are searching for new conscious solutions in the period of global changes, uncertainty, turbulence and crisis. My professional interest lies in integration of supervision and reflexive practices to business environment and coaching, including research of the theme of systematic impact of global trends on business and personal growth, improvement of business efficiency through making decisions, that are congruent to global changes.

Mongezi Makhalima

Mongezi is an organisation development specialist, organisational learning expert, author, TEDx speaker & executive coach with 30 years of working with organizations and leadership. He has recently been named as one of the Top 50 Leadership coaches in the world. He is currently the Chairperson of the Africa Board for Coaching, Consulting and Coaching Psychology (ABCCCP), and is board director on several boards across different sectors. Mongezi serves as a faculty member in the Faculty of Commerce at the University of the Witwatersrand as well as the Wits Business School, teaching Masters and advanced programmes in leadership and coaching.

Alina Ionescu

With over 25 years of leadership experience, both in corporate environment and as an entrepreneur serving organizations, Alina specializes in development of leaders, seeking leadership excellence for themselves and creating an organizational environment that inspires creativity and growth. As Executive & Leadership Professional Coach and Supervisor, Alina passionately believes that both transformational coaching and supervision open the path for liberating human potential and inspire leaders to dare for more and to move with boldness and agility through their different leadership roles, generating a sustainable positive change, both in individual excellency and in organizational performance.

Julia Menaul

Julia Menaul, has a background in learning and management development and has been running her owncoaching practice since 2001. Julia is an Accredited Master Executive Coach (Association for Coaching), Member of the British Psychological Society and EMCC. She is a qualified supervisor and has been supervising coaches since 2006 and supervising other supervisors since 2010. She supervises many independent coaches (1 -1 and group), as well as internal coaches in larger organisations. She has co- authored a book on bereavement in coaching and supervision published in 2022.

Maggie João

Maggie João has an international career of 25 years, being the first 10 years within the industry, focussed on Continuous Improvement and Process Improvement. Maggie brings to Coaching the pragmatism from Engineering which is highly appreciated by her clients. Maggie holds various coaching credentials (MCC, EIA SP, PMC). She is a certified coach supervisor since 2012 and has published 14 books about coaching in several languages. The fact that she has lived and worked in 12 countries, grants her a vast cultural experience, which distinguishes her in the Coaching world.

Live Attendees: Testimonials

Ro Lavender

I found this conference provoked me to consider Supervision from different perspectives and helped me to clarify how I would like to shape my own Supervision Practice. I appreciated the creative approaches that were suggested. I valued the International nature of the conference and this challenged my listening skills as words were used differently and some accents were unfamiliar to me. The breakout rooms were used thoughtfully and enabled me to get to know a number of people over the 2 days and have a more detailed discussion about some of the topics.

Michelle Yan

The conference provided a great space to learn from colleagues from the goble, to experience a lot of good practices. Great event, great experience! Big appreciation to organizers, speakers/ facilitators and participants!

Eileen Duncan

This was my first time attending this Conference, and I felt included and in a safe place to learn, share and dvelop among some amazing coaches and supervisors across the globe. I felt very supported in a wonderful community and made fantasitc connections for now and the future.

Grace Wang

This is my second time participating and I am looking forward to next year!