Conference Details
KEYNOTE: Intersectionality & Bereavement with Dr Dwight Turner
A Compassionate Communities Approach to Bereaved People in Black Communities in North London with Andy Langford
Stories and Silences: An Exploration of Narratives About Grief and Loss with Limor Augustin
Dancing with Death: Stories and Creativity to Talk about Death and Connect with Life with Jennifer Ramsay
The Glue Of Grief with Stefan Charidge
Family Feuds: Conflict at End-of-Life and Funerals with Santou Carter
Couldn’t Die Quick Enough: Death Of An Abuser with Rebecca Mitchell
Supporting Refugees Using Pluralistic Bereavement Counselling Models and Theories with Karen Spencer
It Follows with Lobby Akinnola
Exploring the Impact of Cultural Narratives and Necropolitics on Disenfranchised Grief During COVID-19 with Kimberley Humberstone
The Cosmic Shrug: Somatic Approaches to Overwhelming Emotion with Michael Gavin
Case-study: Spousal Loss in Community-dwelling Older Adults with Anna Gardner
The Bereaved Child in Adult Therapy: Finding the Missing Pieces of the Jigsaw, Making Sense of Loss with Julia Twigg
When Unfinished Business Gets in the Way with Leila Frondigoun & Sandra Grieve
Intersection of Mental Illness, Sexual Identity, Neurodivergent Traits and Ethnocultural Background with Dr Liliya T Bakiyeva Wheatcraft
Disenfranchised Grief: The Grief That Does Not Speak with Sally Pendreigh
Curating Grief: Making Sense of Courage and Loss with Dr Francesca Bernardi
The World that I knew had Gone: The Impact of Father-Loss on Women Bereaved as Adolescents with Inge Nieuwstraten
The Good Trust Grief with Linda Magistris
Disenfranchised grief and the abuse of power by government ministers during the Covid pandemic with Dr John Wilson & Professor Lynne Gabriel