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Workshop Details
Welcome from Fleur Farish-Edwards
Keynote: Creative Connections - Ani de la Prida
Person-Centred Therapeutic Factors In Community Arts Groups: A mini case study - Honorat Chorazy-Przybysz
Moving Images: An Insight into working with film making and animation using person centred-creative arts therapy - Willow Langdale-Smith
From Wombles to Wombats: An Australian experience of person-centred creative arts therapy - Gabrielle Tydd
Person Centred Art Therapy Key Skills: Empathy, Reflection and Bridging - Ani de la Prida
Creative Expression - A somatic approach to person-centred creative arts - Ariane Agostini
Dream, Connection and Creativity - Marina Anderson
Creative Research Presentations from Edge Hill University - Fleur Farish-Edwards, Olivia Izzo, Rosie-Anne Galloway, Beth Raffles
Kintsugi: mending the fragments of memories - Ng Ho Cheung
Understanding the Person-Centred Approach and Five Stages in Person-Centred Creative Arts Therapy - Let my Doll Explain! - Karen Hawkins-Trigg
Final Thoughts - Ani de la Prida

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Bethany Raffles

Great event using the hybrid pproach made it accesible and easy for all to engage connecting everyone all over the world. What a great day!

Sara Llewellyn

The APCCA 2022 Conference was out of this world, its the best Conference I've been to in decades, it fed my soul. The research workshops were most impressive and thought provoking. If you need a kick start creatively and a reconnecting to fellow Person Centered Creative therapists then this is the place to be.

Rosangela (Rose) Alves de Meneses Grundy

The conference was powerful, elucidative, inclusive. A rich experience.

Joycey Bammeke-Bailey

Anyone with an interest in working creatively with thier client would benefit from attending this conference.

Janie Iona Keddie

Inspiring, engaging and definitely food for the creative soul. Will be very useful both personally and in my therapeutic practice.


5 star rating

Really inspiring - left me feeling energised and creative!

Tamsin Sharp

Rekindled my love for creativity and my commitment to using images and creative expression in my therapeutic work. Was great to hear from lots of different p...

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Rekindled my love for creativity and my commitment to using images and creative expression in my therapeutic work. Was great to hear from lots of different practitioners as well as having sessions on the key skills. I particularly loved the presentation on Kintsugi and will be exploring this more.

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5 star rating


Karen Nolan

Worked very well as a hybrid conference, especially watching on catch up.

Worked very well as a hybrid conference, especially watching on catch up.

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