Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
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Cheryl Y. Leong

Cheryl Y. Leong is a California licensed psychotherapist and a Certified Transactional Analysis Practitioner with USATAA. Her two decade experience as a therapist & clinical supervisor has ranged from working with Asian American mental health, immigration challenges, LGBTQIA+ affirming work and Adult ADHD empowerment. Her therapeutic approach draws from systemic, relational, classical transactional analysis and jungian-based expressive arts therapy. This work has extended to advocacy as well as organizational diversity, equity and inclusion consultation internationally.

Kate Jones

Kate is an autistic psychotherapist, supervisor, educator, and Chief Communication Officer of NeuroCastic. She first trained in person centred counselling and later transactional analysis and for the last 20 years Kate has supported people through challenging times both in private practice and for major UK charities. She offers training on subjects related to mental health and neurodivergence and speaks internationally on these subjects.

In private practice she works with neurodivergent adults as well as children and young people who have barriers to accessing education, engaging them through play and shared interests. Kate lives in Manchester, UK. She is a prolific illustrator and has had her work published internationally.

Romy Graichen

I have been working as a supervisor in crisis intervention and counselling services for 15 years and am currently a Clinical Supervisor and Safeguarding Lead for a UK based organisation. In terms of my own private practice, my specialisms are trauma and neurodivergence. My journey as a therapist began with studying person-centred counselling, then Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy. I have since studied Somatic Trauma Work, EMDR, EFT, the Developmental Model of couples therapy and IMAGO and I’m currently expanding my training in Brainspotting. I integrate elements of all of these into my practice. In previous employment, I have been led to advocacy and diversity, equality and inclusion work within a counselling context. I run supervision groups for ND therapists and also NT therapist working with ND clients.