Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Co-regulate or Die! - Maggi McAllister-MacGregor
Delayed Maturation in Brain Electrical Activity Partially Explains - Maggi McAllister-MacGregor
Effects of Early Psychosocial Deprivation on The Development - Maggi McAllister-MacGregor
Stereotypies in Children With a History of Early Institutional Care - Maggi McAllister-MacGregor
Maggi McAllister-MacGregor

Maggi McAllister-MacGregor has been a practicing Counsellor/Psychotherapist for 20 years and works from a body-based perspective mainly with trauma, anxiety and stress.

Her work is grounded in the Polyvagal Theory which has allowed her to develop her work to encompass both the body and the psyche, and this allows her to integrate her previous work as a body therapist into her current work with clients.

Maggi is also a professional dog trainer where she has applied her understanding of the Polyvagal Theory in dog training to understand dog’s behaviour and help owners understand what is happening in the relationship with their dogs.

Join the Advanced Certificate in the application of the Polyvagal Theory in counselling & Psychotherapy

30 hours RESIDENTIAL training with Maggi McAllister-MacGregor, starting in June 2023

Click to find out more about the training at Temenos

Contact us for more details about the course [email protected]

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Colin Johnson

Maggie is a warm and knowledgeable presenter who has the ability to communicate quite complex concepts in a practical way.

Elisabeth Crafter

An impactful and highly informative workshop ... Thank you!

Mary Pereira

A tremendous opportunity to gain insights into various client issues and more importantly how to apply these insights and knowledge.

Karen Crowe

Great course so much information, and so clearly put toegther, this will have an impact on my practice.