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Dr. José Manuel Martínez Rodríguez

Dr. José Manuel Martínez Rodríguez. MD. Psychiatrist. Teaching and Superving Transactional Analyst – P(T.S.T.A., I.T.A.A., E.A.T.A.). Honorary Professor of Psychiatry. International Integrative Psychotherpist Trainer and Supervisor (I.P.P.A.). University of Valladolid. Institute of Transactional Analysis and Integrative Psychotherapy. Valladolid. Spain. Dr. Veronica Aguado Rodríguez. PhD in Psychology. Integrative Psychotherapist (C.I.I.P, I.I.P.A). Aukebi Psychological Center, Bilbao. Spain Da Sabina Mateo León. Psychologist. Certified Transactional Analyst-P (C.T.A) under contract by EATA. Barcelona. Spain. Da Blanca Fernández Rodríguez. General Health Psychologist. Certified Transactional Analyst-P (C.T.A) under contract by EATA. Certified Integrative Psychotherapist (C.I.I.P., I.I.P.A.). European Certificate of Psychology (EuroPsy) in the field of Clinical Psychology and Health. Institute of Transactional Analysis and Integrative Psychotherapy. Valladolid. Spain.