Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
What did you learn?
How do you intend to apply this learning in your practice?
Do you have any further action for your next CPD cycle?
Dr Dina Glouberman

Dina Glouberman, PhD., is a psychotherapist, writer, international trainer, and world expert in imagery based therapies. She is Co-founder/Director since 1979 of Skyros Holistic Holidays, which has pioneered community-oriented holistic health holidays worldwide.

More recently, she has founded and directs the Aurora Centre in Southern Italy, to train therapists, counselors, and consultants in her approach. She is a course leader on the Faculty of the MA(Clinical) in Psychotherapy of the Tivoli Institute in Dublin, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Humanistic Psychology (Britain).

Dr. Glouberman is the author of the classic and widely translated books Life Choices, Life Changes, The Joy of Burnout, You Are What You Imagine, and Into the Woods and Out Again. Her forthcoming book, ImageWork: The Complete Guide to working with transformational imagery (PCCS Books), will be launched in April 7, 2022 with a book launch on Onlinevents.

Dr. Martin Rossman, leading imagery author in the USA, has said about it “In my 50 years in the field, this is the best book I have read about working with imagery for healing, creativity and personal transformation. A landmark book—I shall be studying it.”