More events with James here

In this workshop we will be exploring intimacy, shame and masculinity. For many men therapy is a unique, unusual and ultimately an intiMATE space.

Talking about feelings can be awkward, exposing and risks vulnerability leading to a psychological intimacy. Therapy can be successful due to the meeting of ‘intimate strangers’. Often this psychological intimacy can generate closeness, sexual fantasy and vulnerability in the male client and the male or female therapist.

The Male code and social conditioning of masculinity including the ‘Real Man’ discourse is the vehicle that shames many men and ultimately generates the ‘Trauma of emotional restriction. In turn this sense of shame and the ‘Man rules’ constricts men’s expression of intimacy. Men are then often just left with sex as their only way of showing intimacy.

This is a 3-Part workshop, You can book the other parts of the workshop through the Links below:

Part 3 -

This workshop will create a space where as therapists we can begin to openly explore the connection between shame and intimacy and how to work with these powerful emotions with our clients.

Within this day workshop we will seek to explore the following:

· What does intimacy mean to men, how do they show it and how do we help develop it

· Developing a greater understanding about shame and it’s link to intimacy

· Exploring the ‘The male code’ and it’s impact on emotional restriction, intimacy and shame

· Effective ways in working with men and shame

· Discussing how the therapist manages intimacy and shame in the room

Feedback from previous workshops

‘Greedy for more!’ |‘Brilliant – your enthusiasm for the subject is infectious’

‘I came with high expectations – they were exceeded! |

The whole thing was fab – I learnt so much, Thank you!

Course curriculum

    1. Workshop Details

    2. Workshop Recording

    3. Video clip 1 shared in the workshop

    4. Video clip 2 shared in the workshop

About this course

  • £9.99
  • 4 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Your Learning Resources

  • View Recording

    View the full recording of the workshop at your leisure. Come back to the recording at any time and pick up where you left off. Watch the video as many times as you wish to deeply embed the learning.

  • CPD Certificate

    View the whole video to access a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificate. The Certificate is proof of your commitment to continuing and deepening your learning as a practitioner.

James Hawes

I am a experienced psychotherapist and counsellor accredited and registered member of the British association for Counsellors and psychotherapists (BACP). I presently work at the Nottingham High School as a Counsellor for two days a week. Previously I worked as an Independence school counsellor and for the Nottingham City behaviour support. This team worked with the most difficult and challenging students in the city and used innovative and therapeutic approaches in working effectively with this cohort. I have facilitated groups on anger, self-esteem, confidence building using many methods that include drumming, mindfulness and bodywork. For the past 15 years I have developed my private practice, typically seeing between 10-15 clients a week and 95% of my clients are male. I deliver several workshops and talks with regard to working with men and boys. These include '7 tips one working successfully with men in therapy' , 'Effective anger management tools for working with men' and 'Working with men, intimacy and shame'. I specialise in developing boys and men’s emotional fitness using psycho-educational tools, de-shaming and core conditions of the person Centred Approach. I also initiated the Men@work voluntary organisation, working to increase boys and men’s emotional fitness, establishing a programme called ‘Contact’ an outdoor and residential programme to help boys increase their emotional fitness. I also developed SHOUT - a successful anger awareness programme for men. I have been part of a Men's group for the past 15 years and am a father of two boys. James is the author of, ‘The Secret Lives of Men – 10 keys to unlock the mystery’ Facebook | Synergy Counselling | Twitter | oneminuteman1

The Secret Lives of Men - James Hawes

Should you need any help, please contact our team at [email protected]

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Diana Collins

I very much liked James's manner, his willingness to show vulnerability and disclose - to be real. I liked the two video clips which had a strong impact on me emotionally and helped me to look at intimacy as experienced by a man.

Kath Shaw

The presentation was really good. James is so full of passion for this subject and encouraged group participation. loved it.

Fliss Redwood

A very educational and moving course, there were many light bulb moments.

Ruth Foster

I would definitely recommend the Course for all Counsellor in practice, and also student Counsellors for awareness should issues around intimacy arise once in practice.