Menopause is a hot topic! It has become spoken about more in the last 5 years than for decades. However there remains much pathologising, misunderstanding and conversations that are just never started or had. (Peri-)menopause is shrouded in mystery still and remains a difficult conversation.

In this workshop it's time to get HUMAN behind the research, the statistics, the celebrities and look at how (peri)menopause shows up in therapy and the therapeutic conversations that can make a difference.

One out of four women will experience ‘debilitating to daily life symptoms’ in (peri-)menopause. This makes (peri)-menopause a disability in the Equalities Act 2010, with the concomitant protection this brings but which few women, their partners or employers, realise.

Not knowing the ins and outs of menopause can be life threatening – the rate of female suicide peaks at menopause. There are significant cardiovascular threats that remain unheard, as well as confusion, identity challenge, grief, shame, denial, depression, anxiety and relationship breakdown.

There are many great employers and great GPs who can offer help and advice but there is also the opposite - and our clients and their partners or children have to navigate this lottery of help. What is clear is that women’s menopause impacts everyone – not ‘just’ women. As mothers, wives, partners, colleagues, sisters and friends, menopause is not ‘just a woman’s thing’.

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  • View Recording

    View the full recording of the workshop at your leisure. Come back to the recording at any time and pick up where you left off. Watch the video as many times as you wish to deeply embed the learning.

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Course curriculum

    1. Workshop Details

    2. Workshop Recording

    1. the Link Centre

    2. Menopause in Conversation with Andrea Davies

About this course

  • £9.99
  • 4 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Professor Andrea Davies

Professor Andrea Davies is a certified Embodiment Coach/Counsellor, Voice First Aid specialist, is a meditation leader, has a black belt in karate, has practiced yoga for over a decade, leads community sounding, and has a long career as a research-academic and lecturer at various UK universities including Edinburgh, Exeter, Lancaster, Leicester and DeMontford. In 2015 she pioneered EnAct, an embodied presence and leadership practice with Curve theatre (Leicester). She has worked with Roffey Park Institute, well known for their critical role in health and wellbeing from post WW1, and has also with TUC, ACAS, Department of Education, and Working Transitions, as both collaborator and consultant. Her areas of focus are within life transitions and trauma, family, compassion ethics, embodiment and performativity. She is also co-author of the 2017 report on menopause transition and has worked extensively as a counsellor, collaborator, educator and activist in this arena to tackle taboo, and foster cultural change. Her PhD and early career was in cognitive psychology, but after much adventures she rests at the intersection with neurobiology, body and social psychology, and psychoanalysis. She has published widely in international journals, and recently was prize winner for intellectual contribution with her on-going work on how to apply and use Kristeva’s psychoanalysis contribution The Power of Horrors.
This workshop in a collaboration between The Link Centre and onlinevents At The Link Centre we pride ourselves in delivering high quality options tailored to needs of clients and delivered in a relaxed, comfortable yet stimulating environment in which people feel safe to learn and develop. We work with individuals, groups, organisations, and educational establishments using the depth of our psychological knowledge, to facilitate growth and development.

Should you need any help, please contact our team at [email protected]


5 star rating

Great conversation

Cath Eddy

Much needed starting point in discussing menopause. Hopefully more to come.

Much needed starting point in discussing menopause. Hopefully more to come.

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