Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Jonny Drury

Jonny Drury is an informal researcher, coach and dialogue facilitator, influenced by a life of Eastern and Western disciplines including in contemporary fine arts, dialogue and spiritual practice. After a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome he trained in Coaching and Autism studies, then formulated the Autism Dialogue Approach® and Mindfulness for Autism (M4A).

Dialogic Action CIC was founded by a team of autistic people, academics, philosophers, coaches and third-sector experts, who believe generative dialogue is a framework for moving beyond individual consciousness into an emergent wholeness, and the key to a more harmonious existence.

Website | www.dialogica.uk 

Twitter | @DialogicAction 

LinkedIn | Jonny Drury

Testimonials: Live Attendees


Great 2 hours of training. Helped me to open my mind about how and when to use mindful techniques.


This course is an excellent introduction into how a mindfulness approach can support an autistic person. It is a short course that can add value to your working practice as an integrated therapist.


A beautifully uplifting experience. The presentation felt so sincere and open and honest, that I feel as though I have been given a new lease of hope, freedom and confidence in my relationships.