Introduction to NCD 2021 with Maria Albertson
Dr. Dwight Turner - 2021:The year of our intersectional Identities
Dr. Elizabeth Cotton - The CTUK Survey: Results and Implications
SPONSORS - The Psychotherapy and Counselling Union & The National Counselling Society
Erin Stevens - Facing the Shadow of Harm in Therapy
Clare Slaney - Class-Searching for the Elephant in the room inside the Elephant
Pavithra Sarma - Learning to unlearn - Journey Beyond Performative allyship and the transformative power of anti-racist work
SPONSOR - The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. Brief talk on diversity
Dr. Dwight Turner

Dr. Dwight Turner is Course Leader on the Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy Course at the University of Brighton, a PhD Supervisor at their Doctoral College, a psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice. His latest book Intersections of Privilege and Otherness in Counselling and Psychotherapy was released in February 2021 and is published by Routledge. An activist, writer and public speaker on issues of race, difference and intersectionality in counselling and psychotherapy.

Dr. Elizabeth Cotton

Dr Elizabeth Cotton is a researcher and educator in the fields of employment relations and mental health at work based at Cardiff School of Management. Elizabeth is currently writing her book UberTherapy: The weaponisation of Wellbeing to be published in 2023.

Erin Stevens

Erin is a neurodivergent (autistic and ADHD) counsellor and psychotherapist based in Ilkley, West Yorkshire, working chiefly with neurodivergent clients, and clients who have had previous experiences of harmful therapy. She is one of the founding members of the Association of Neurodivergent Therapists steering committee and co-organises meet-ups and events for and by neurodivergent therapists. Erin is interested in social justice, anti-oppressive psychotherapeutic practice, and honouring the political foundations of the therapy profession.

Clare Slaney

Clare is a counsellor, psychotherapist and supervisor, and on the Steering Group of Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility.

Pavithra Sarma

Pavi is one of the co-founders of an online intersectional anti-racism learning resource on Facebook called ‘Scottish Anti-Racism Education’ (SARE) with other women of colour (WOC). This initiative was launched on the 21st of March, 2021 to commemorate The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This space was set up due to their collective frustrations and experiences in anti-racism and equalities activism and due to a deep, burning desire to see a shift in mindsets around ‘race’, racism and equality in society. They use specific online community engagement strategies and exercises to engage with members via written resources, activity posts and discussion threads. Members have access to their learning units and resources to reflect and ‘unlearn’ their biases and racism on their journey towards being anti-racist.