Conference Details
Start / Intro from PCCS and Caz Binstead
Professor Emmy van Deurzen

Emmy van Deurzen is a professor of Psychology and Psychotherapy with 18 books to her name, several of which have been translated into a dozen languages. She is the Co-Founder and Principal of the Existential Academy, where she also runs post graduate courses through the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling in partnership with Middlesex University and her private practice.

Born and raised in the Netherlands, she lived, studied, and worked in France before settling in the UK in 1977. Emmy has been instrumental in founding or cofounding numerous organizations, including the Society for Existential Analysis, the Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe and the World Confederation of Existential Therapy. She has helped people in facing their life problems and suffering for nearly half a century.

Amongst her books are the bestsellers Existential Psychotherapy and Counselling in Practice (3rd edition 2012), Psychotherapy and the Quest for Happiness (Sage, 2009), Everyday Mysteries (2nd edition Routledge, 2010) and Paradox and Passion (2nd edition, Wiley, 2015). Her book Rising from Existential Crisis was published with PCCS books in 2021. She is currently writing a book on Existential Freedom for Penguin.

Nick Totton

Nick Totton has been a body psychotherapist since 1981, and an ecopsychologist since 2004. He has authored 10 books, including Body Psychotherapy for the 21stCentury and Psychotherapy and Politics, and edited several others, including Vital Signs: Psychological responses to ecological crisis (with Mary-Jayne Rust). Nick has developed trainings in two new forms of therapy, embodied-relational therapy and wild therapy, both of which are now being conducted by other trainers. He has a grown-up daughter and two grandchildren, and lives in Cornwall with his partner.

Karen Izod

Karen Izod has designed programmes with and for the Tavistock Institute and the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, as well as as bespoke courses for specific organisations. She is visiting lecturer on a number of Doctoral and Master’s Degree programmes including the MSc in Coaching and Behavioural Change, Henley Business School, and MSc in Inter-professional Health and Social Care at Christchurch Canterbury.

Robin Shohet

Robin Shohet has been supervising and training supervisors since 1976 and has published widely in the field, including co-authoring Supervision in the Helping Professions and editing Passionate Supervision and Supervision as Transformation. In addition to teaching supervision, he works with Appreciative Inquiry as part of a commitment to wanting to see people flourish at work.

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Robert Miller

An informative and inspiring day with much food for thought and challenging us to take on board other ways to approach clinical work.

Kerry Hulbert

What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday gaining knowledge from such incredibly eloquent and inspiring therapists in their chosen fields. Thank you so much!

Pamela Muir

Super event. 2nd PCCS Conference I've attended and I have been so impressed with the range and quality of the speakers each year.

Caroline Singh

An extremely thought-provoking and soulful experience which had excellent pace and flow throughout. Quite the journey, which stirred a myriad of emotions, questions and ideas of how to apply this awareness to clinical practice.

Marilyn Denbigh

It's been great to get a group of interested, like-minded, supportive people together where there can be debate and challenge prompted by interesting speakers. Thank you!