Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Dr. Kate Smith

I am a career academic at Abertay University, the small and friendly home of pluralistic practice. I have taught the approach for ten years, and supervise practice. I was the lead of the Pluralistic steering group from 2017-2021, and am active in researching the approach.

I chose to offer this workshop in response to a number of requests for input from students and practitioners alike following the publication of The Pluralistic Practice Primer in 2021. I believe strongly in bringing communities of practitioners together and evolving our understanding of the approach, working with practitioners always brings together such a wealth of experience and shared value that each session is rich with experience and enjoyment.

Having trained in pluralistic practice over a decade ago, and led the first training programme in the approach, I have 'grown-up' within Pluralistic therapy and seen how it has evolved over the years to become an influential and inclusive way of practising counselling and psychotherapy. More people have adopted the pluralistic stance and practice than have ever been trained in it, mainly because it speaks to the values and lived experience of people who work day to day with clients.

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Yasmin Earl

The presenter was engaging and the information, varied. Her enthusiasm was clear and infectious.

Barrbara Farrer-Halls

Kate explained the basics really well and helped sort out a few confusions I had on Pluralism and how to use it in practice.

Afsha Akhtar

Informative training about pluralistic practice, easy to understand and very accessible.