Seminar Details
Seminar Recording
Sally Potter

Sally Potter, Accredited PBSP Trainer, Supervisor and Therapist. Co-ordinator of Pesso Boyden training in the UK and co-leader of Pesso Boyden Training Institute in the UK. MA Relationship Therapy, Postgraduate Diploma Relationship Therapy, holistic training as Fitness Instructor and in Bioenergetics, MSc Education Management, Post Graduate Certificate of Education, BA Hons English Language and Literature.

I am a psychotherapist in private practice, working with individuals, couples and groups. I also coach corporate executives; I became a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield School of Management in 2003 focusing on personal development and leadership. I see psychotherapy as affirmative action for the soul, and the Pesso Boyden System is the jewel in the crown of my practice – the most effective therapeutic approach I have come across, both for myself as a client and for those I support and work alongside. It sits comfortably alongside the systemic, psychodynamic and attachment-based traditions I trained in. I’m committed to sharing the power of PBSP with others: I lead PBSP experiential groups and PBSP trainings in the UK and Europe; and as the Training Coordinator for PBSP in UK I’ve organised six successful trainings to follow the first UK group, in which I trained. Please contact me to talk about Pesso Boyden therapy, supervision or training, to discuss attending one of my groups, or to explore organising a group near you when Covid restrictions permit.