Workshop Details
Workshop Recordings
Steve Banks

As a violinist, drummer and singer, Steve Banks has performed classical, folk, and world music with ensembles as diverse as the London Symphony Orchestra, the Contemporary Chamber Orchestra and the Carnival Band. He trained in Psychosynthesis counselling, graduating in 2000, and going on to work as a counsellor and also applying Psychosynthesis in leadership development. He is deeply immersed in Ken Wilber’s ‘Integral’ theory and has presented many times at the Integral European Conference. He has practiced meditation in the Buddhist tradition (Theravada and Chan) on and off for over 30 years. 14th May 2022 will see a profound confluence of Steve’s musical and psycho-spiritual lives, with the world premiere of his inspiring, ground-breaking new choral work for our times, ‘Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio’ in London and streamed live + on demand for 7 days.

Website | www.stevebanks.info

Facebook | Steve Banks, composer

Twitter | @BanksComposer

Instagram | stevebankscomposer

LinkedIn | Steve Banks