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Introductions & Openings
Widening The Human Horizon To Go Beyond Crisis - Emmy van Deurzen
Psychotherapy At A Time of Social and Political Change and Crisis: Where Do Stand? What Do We Have To Offer? - John McLeod
Open Dialogues: A Humanistic and Democratic Practice for Severe Crises - Jaakko Seikkula
Black, Blue, Yellow: Remembering Our Humanity During The Ukrainian Crisis - Dwight Turner
The Grief of War: Personal and Political Dimensions - John Wilson
Existential Relatedness: A Response To ‘What Can I Do?’ - Ernesto Spinelli
Rapid Therapy in Challenging Times: The Potential of Single-Session Therapy - Windy Dryden
The Need To Be Right: How We Are All Waging War - Robin Shohet & Joan Wilmot
Compassion As The Basis For Courage And Wisdom In The Pursuit Of World Peace - Paul Gilbert
How To Be, Comprehend, And Do During This Paradigm Shift In International Relations - Maria Kontarini
The Multiple Human Rights Violations in Armed Conflicts: Sexual Violence In The War Against Ukraine–Mental Health, Support, and Justice - Nora Sveaass
Unprovoked Aggression: When Words Fail - Digby Tantam
Common Principles Of Positive Change: Bridging The Intrapersonal And Sociopolitical Divide - Mick Cooper
Realising Inner Peace - Martin Wells
Promoting Sanity In Insane Times: The Moral Responsibility Of Counsellors In A Period Of Global Crisis - Courtland Lee
Dissolving Aggression At Its Root - Ken Bradford
‘Your Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough’ UK based Ukrainian volunteer - Sabnum Dharamsi & Abdullah Maynard
[Care of ] foreigners to ourselves - Salma Siddique
Racism At The Borders: A Brown Therapist’s Reflection On How We Can Work With The Impact of Racial Trauma - Rima Sidhpara
Talking To Children And Teens About War: War As A Mirror Metaphor Of The 'Self' And Social Dynamics - Kalanit Ben-Ari
Conversation with Orna Guralnik
Co-constructing Counselling Training In A Country In War: The Experience of Afghanistan - Lucia Berdondini
Vicarious Trauma: Resonating With Our Past - Juliet Grayson
Vicarious Trauma And Compassion Fatigue: Strategies For Those Who Help Others - Tamara McClintock Greenberg
Pausing For Self-Care - Greg Madison
The House of Deep Peace - Dina Glouberman
Closing Escape Hatches In Emergency Situations: Is It Possible? - Maria Sorokopud
Principles of Anti-Oppressive Practice - Mamood Ahmad
Holding Hope - Ani de la Prida
Holding The Calm Within The Storm: How To Stay Well And Regulated In These Troubling Times - Kate Williams
Keeping Balance Through Compassion - Maureen Cooper
"Am I Just a Drop in the Ocean?" - Sue Monckton-Rickett
Create A Peace Candle Of Light And Support - Christina Bachini
Over The Hills And Far Away: War, Grief And The Soul - William Ayot
Professor Emmy van Deurzen

Emmy van Deurzen is a professor of Psychology and Psychotherapy with 18 books to her name, several of which have been translated into a dozen languages. She is the Co-Founder and Principal of the Existential Academy, where she also runs post graduate courses through the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling in partnership with Middlesex University and her private practice.

Born and raised in the Netherlands, she lived, studied, and worked in France before settling in the UK in 1977. Emmy has been instrumental in founding or cofounding numerous organizations, including the Society for Existential Analysis, the Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe and the World Confederation of Existential Therapy. She has helped people in facing their life problems and suffering for nearly half a century.

Amongst her books are the bestsellers Existential Psychotherapy and Counselling in Practice (3d edition 2012), Psychotherapy and the Quest for Happiness (Sage, 2009), Everyday Mysteries (2nd edition Routledge, 2010) and Paradox and Passion (2nd edition, Wiley, 2015). Her book Rising from Existential Crisis was published with PCCS books in 2021. She is currently writing a book on Existential Freedom for Penguin.

John McLeod

John is currently Visiting Professor of Counselling at Abertay University, Dundee, and the Institute for Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dublin, and has held professorial positions in Norway, New Zealand, and Italy. He has published widely on a range of issues in counselling and psychotherapy research and practice, with an emphasis
on an interdisciplinary research-informed social justice perspective. Key texts include: An introduction to counselling and psychotherapy: Theory practice and research (6th ed.,Open University, 2019), Doing research in counselling and psychotherapy (4th ed., Sage, 2022) and Counselling skills: theory, research and practice (with Julia McLeod, Open
University, 2022). He is committed to the development of a flexible and responsive forms of collaborative pluralistic practice that enable clients to access their personal and cultural strengths and resources and enable them to fulfil their personal therapeutic and life goals. A central focus of his work in recent years has been around finding ways that psychotherapy might contribute to a more constructive and sustainable relationship between human beings and the planet.

Jaakko Seikkula

Jaakko Seikkula, Ph.D is a senior faculty member of the Institute for Dialogic Practice and a Professor of Psychotherapy at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. From 1981 to 1998, he was the chief psychologist at Keropudas Hospital in Tornio, Finland. It was during this time that he developed Open Dialogue. His clinical and research interests combine the further development of dialogical approaches with the systematic research analysis of their outcomes and process variables. Jaakko leads the International Meeting for Treatment of Psychosis Network and is a board member of the International Family Therapy Association (IFTA). He is also a member of the American Family Therapy Academy, the Society of Psychotherapy Research and the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS). Jaakko was awarded for his excellence in the field of research in family therapy and systemic practice at the European Family Therapy Association EFTA’s congress in Athens, Greece September 2016.

Dr. Dwight Turner

Dr. Dwight Turner is Course Leader on the Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy Course at the University of Brighton, a PhD Supervisor at their Doctoral College, a psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice. His latest book Intersections of Privilege and Otherness in Counselling and Psychotherapy was released in February 2021 and is published by Routledge. An activist, writer and public speaker on issues of race, difference and intersectionality in counselling and psychotherapy.

Dr. John Wilson

Dr. John Wilson PhD. John has specialised in bereavement and loss for 20 years, as a counsellor, supervisor and trainer. He is author of Supporting People through Loss and Grief: An Introduction for Counsellors and Other Caring Practitioners.

He completed his PhD in 2000 after six years of case study research with bereaved clients. John is a visiting research fellow at York St John University and Director of Bereavement Services at York St John University Counselling and Mental Health Clinic.

Since early March, John has taken a close interest in adapting the outcomes of his doctoral thesis to supporting clients bereaved of a loved one from Covid-19 and those bereaved from other causes during the lockdown.

With other counsellors he runs a closed support group on social media, for those bereaved during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ernesto Spinelli

Professor Ernesto Spinelli was Chair of the Society for Existential Analysis between 1993 and 1999 and is a Life Member of the Society. His writings, lectures and seminars focus on the application of existential phenomenology to the arenas of therapy, psychology, and executive coaching. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS) as well as an APECS accredited executive coach and coaching supervisor. In 1999, Ernesto was awarded a Personal Chair as Professor of psychotherapy, counselling and counselling psychology. In 2000, he was the Recipient of BPS Division of Counselling Psychology Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Profession. And in 2019, Ernesto received the BPS Award for Distinguished Contribution to Practice. His most recent book, Practising Existential Therapy: The Relational World 2nd edition (Sage, 2015) has been widely praised as a major contribution to the advancement of existential theory and practice. His previous books include: The Interpreted World: an introduction to phenomenological psychology, 2nd ed (Sage, 2005); Demystifying Therapy (PCCS, 2006); Tales of Un-knowing (PCCS, 2006); and The Mirror and The Hammer: challenging therapeutic orthodoxies (Sage, 2001). Living up to the existential dictum that life is absurd, Ernesto is also the author of an on-going series of Private Eye novels, the first two of which are Scorpio's Children (2019) and Cruel Love Ways (2020).

Windy Dryden

I am an Emeritus Professor of Psychotherapeutic Studies at Goldsmiths University of London and have been working in the field of counselling and psychotherapy since 1975.

I was one of the first people in Britain to be trained in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and have trained with Drs. Albert Ellis, Aaron T. Beck and Arnold Lazarus. I have also trained at the University of Warwick where I was awarded an MSc in Psychotherapy. This was an eclectic course and gave me a very broad view of the field.

What has been important and sustaining in my career has been variety. Thus, I work as a practitioner, trainer, academic and writer/editor.

Robin Shohet

Robin Shohet has been supervising since 1977. He has a practice in London and Findhorn, Scotland and specialises in group supervision. He is co-author with Peter Hawkins of “Supervision in the Helping Professions” and editor of “Passionate Supervision” and “Supervision as Transformation.”

Joan Wilmot

Joan co-founded CSTD in 1979 and works as a trainer, supervisor, psychotherapist and mediator. Her particular interest is in working with systems and using organisational and family constellations work. She has been running supervision training and working with teams, in particular in the NHS and voluntary sector, for over 40 years. Her passion is in enabling people to find the work they love and love the work they do. She is an active member of Playback Theatre and co-author of "The Boxing Clever Cookbook" (2002).

Paul Gilbert

Paul Gilbert, FBPsS, PhD, OBE is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby and honorary visiting Prof at the University of Queensland. Until his retirement from the NHS in 2016 he was Consultant Clinical Psychologist for over 40 years. He has researched evolutionary approaches to psychopathology with a special focus on mood, shame and self-criticism in various mental health difficulties for which Compassion Focused Therapy was developed. He was made a Fellow of the British Psychological Society in 1993, president of the BABCP 2002-2004, and was a member of the first British Governments’ NICE guidelines for depression. He has written/edited 23 books and over 300 papers and book chapters. In 2006 he established the Compassionate Mind Foundation as an international charity with the mission statement: To promote wellbeing through the scientific understanding and application of compassion. There are now a number of sister foundations in other countries. He was awarded an OBE by the Queen in March 2011 for services to mental health. He established and is the Director of the Centre for Compassion Research and Training at Derby University UK. His latest book is a major edited book with Prof G Simos (2022) Compassion: Clinical practice and Applications (Routledge).

Maria Kontarini

Being a person-centred practitioner is the melting pot of diverse personal and professional experiences. It includes having served as a diplomat in Bosnia and NATO, having been a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Dutch Liberal Party, having worked in HR consultancy and having lived in seven different countries. The underlying purpose in all my capacities has been to contribute to peace and justice in the world. World peace starts with a peaceful person, extends to peaceful families, organisations, and communities.

Nora Sveaass

Professor Emerita at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. I am a member of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture, and the Human Rights Committee of the Norwegian Psychological Association and Head of Mental Health and Human Rights Info.

Digby Tantam

I worked in the NHS for nearly 40 years as a general psychiatrist and later a consultant psychotherapist. I began the first clinic in the world for the assessment of autistic adults in 1980. I am an existential psychotherapist and a group analyst. I am an Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry in the University of Sheffield; a Visiting Professor of Psychology at Middlesex University; and Deputy Principal of the New School of Psychotherapy in London, where I am course leader for the MA in Diversity Studies

Mick Cooper

Mick Cooper is an internationally recognised author, trainer, and consultant in the field of humanistic, existential, and pluralistic therapies.

He is a Chartered Psychologist, and Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton. Mick has facilitated workshops and lectures around the world, including New Zealand, Lithuania, and Florida. Mick's books include Existential Therapies (Sage, 2017), Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2018), and The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling (Palgrave, 2013).

His latest work is Integrating Counselling and Psychotherapy: Directionality, Synergy, and Social Change (Sage, 2019). Mick’s principal areas of research have been in shared decision-making/personalising therapy, and counselling for young people in schools. In 2014, Mick received the Carmi Harari Mid-Career Award from Division 32 of the American Psychological Association.

He is a Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Academy of Social Sciences.

Martin Wells

Martin Wells is a teaching and supervising transactional analyst who has also been studying and practising meditation for over 30 years. He works part-time in the NHS in the UK, as a consultant psychotherapist and teaches mindfulness and practises psychotherapy from a non dual perspective.

He is the founder of TA ~ Spiritual and has led retreats in Scotland, Goa and Spain.

His first book ‘Sitting in the Stillness‘ was published by John Hunt Publishing in February 2020. ‘No one Playing’ is published in January 2022 and his new book 'Lost for Words: the poetry of non-duality' will be published by John Hunt Publishing November 2022

Dr. Courtland Lee

Dr. Courtland Lee is a past president of the International Association for Counselling. He is also a Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the only American to receive this honour He is also a Fellow and Past President of the American Counseling Association. He has published seven books on multicultural counselling and three books on counselling and social justice. In addition, he has published numerous book chapters and articles on counselling across cultures. Dr. Lee is a retired counsellor educator.

Ken Bradford

Ken Bradford, PhD is an author, teacher, and contemplative yogin integrating existential, Buddhist, and Dzogchen thought and practice. Formerly, he maintained a psychotherapy practice in the San Francisco Bay area and was Adjunct Professor at John F. Kennedy University and California Institute of Integral Studies. He is author of Opening yourself: The psychology and yoga of self-liberation (2021); The I of the Other: Mindfulness-based diagnosis and the question of sanity (2013); and Listening from the heart of silence: Nondual wisdom and psychotherapy (Vol. 2, 2007, with John Prendergast); as well as numerous peer-reviewed articles.

Sabnum Dharamsi

Sabnum Dharamsi is Lead Tutor for the Diploma on Islamic Counselling and certificated courses. She is the Convenor of the Islamic Counselling module for Cambridge Muslim College and co-founded the Islamic Counselling Courses.

Her previous consultancies are diverse and include Chair of the Muslim Women’s Helpline, Trainer for Women into Work for University, European Partnership Programmes, Tutor for Bedford College Person-Centred Diploma, and International Head Facilitator for the Academy of Self Knowledge (ASK) leading on student learning methods and the training and supervision of a global team. She was Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator (Commissioning) for the Luton Primary Care Trust and has conducted research, policy and training on health and welfare issues. Key areas of work include young people and violence, sex and relationships, drug use and lifelong learning. Her focus on Learning and Development has led to extensive programmes for Learning Skills Councils (LSC’s), the Home Office Board of Visitors, and BT.

Abdullah Maynard

Stephen Maynard is the founder of Stephen Maynard & Associates, a trained counsellor, consultant and educator, working in the public sector and with NGOs.

He has worked with a number of central government departments including The Department of Health, The Home Office, The Department of Children, Schools and Families and The Department of Local Government and Communities. Also a member of National and Regional (West Midlands) Forums for Mental Health and Spirituality, Advisor to the Department of Health IAPT Programme (Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies) BME Communities, and author of their Muslim Mental Health Scoping Report, He co-founded the Islamic counseling courses.

Salma Siddique

Salma Siddique, PhD, FHEA, FRSA, FRAI is an academic and clinical (psychotherapist) clinical anthropologist working. She obtained her doctorate in anthropology from the University of St. Andrews and later qualified as a UKCP registered psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. Deputy Director of the Diversity Courses @nspcstudies - (The home of freelance thinkers) Research areas - Her main research teaching is based on the dialogue between psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and anthropology and is influenced by her clinical experience working with people in trauma resulting from oppression, abuse, torture, fleeing disaster and conflict zones within and between organisations and professional groups. She is a contributor to research writing and media participation as a clinical anthropologist. Her work and practice engage with the tension between collective guilt and personal responsibility examined from the witnessing of identity and belonging through displaced lives, racism, and systemic oppression.

Rima Sidhpara

Rima is a BACP Accredited Psychotherapist, DBT & EMDR Therapist, Clinical Supervisor, and Trainer with 15 years’ experience in the profession. Rima is Practice Director of Rutland House Counselling and Psychotherapy Ltd, A practice that is well established and hosts a team of independent practitioners delivering private therapy services to the community and businesses. In addition, Rima volunteers as Chair of the executive of the BACP Private Practice division and hopes to be part of influencing positive change within the therapy profession.

Dr Kalanit Ben-Ari

Dr Kalanit Ben-Ari is the Chair of Imago Relationship Therapy UK, author, trainer, supervisor, and advanced couples therapist for almost two decades. She is Associate member of the Imago International Training Institute and author of two books: Small Steps to Great Parenting: An Essential Guide for Busy Families, and children's book the Lost Book.

Kalanit is an international speaker who facilitated training around the world and online and she is also a certified Brainspotting and Neurofeedback therapist.

Kalanit gained a BA and an MA in Clinical Social Work, specialising in Clinical Child Development, at the University of Haifa, Israel and a Doctorate in Psychology at Birkbeck, University of London. Her main research area was the influence of psychological processes and childhood experiences on adult romantic relationships.

Lucia Berdondini

Lucia is currently Associate Professor and Course Leader of the Distance Learning MSc Humanitarian Intervention at the School of Psychology, University of East London. At UEL she is also teaching on the BSc (Hons) Counselling.
Lucia is a BACP Accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist since 2003 and she has been working with a variety of clients, individuals, couples and groups, adolescents and adults. Her areas of interest are psychosocial intervention in countries in war and conflict; existential therapies; intercultural counselling training. She has been involved in co-creating psychosocial interventions in countries like Afghanistan, Angola, India and Syria.

Juliet Grayson

Juliet Grayson is a psychosexual psychotherapist, coach, teacher, and has worked as a psychotherapist since 1991. She specialises in working with couples and sexual problems, as well as people who are facing a life-limiting diagnosis. As a psychotherapist she is UKCP registered, NLPtCA accredited, COSRT accredited, and PBSP accredited. She has a private practice in South Wales (UK) and on Zoom. Juliet designed and runs (alongside her team) a twelve day programme, in six modules each of two days. This teaches therapists, counsellors, psychologists, coaches, and health professionals how to work with couples and relationship issues. This course is approved by COSRT for CPD.

They also run courses for therapists on Creative Writing in the Therapeutic Encounter, Storytelling for Healing and Change, Anger Rage and Relationship, Working With Shame, Polyamory Polygamy and Arranged Marraiges, Therapeutic Work with Men, Boys, & Teens.

Juliet herself runs Deep Dive Therapuetic Workshops using Pesso Boyden System of Psychotherapy. John Wilson said about these " I would personally highly recommend this experience, I have been on 3 residentials now and found them all deeply helpful!" John Wilson Trainer, Psychotherapist & co-founder of Onlinevents.

Tamara McClintock Greenberg

Tamara McClintock Greenberg PsyD is a Full Clinical Professor--Volunteer at the University of California, San Francisco in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Her recent writing has focused on trauma and psychotherapy integration. She maintains an independent practice in San Francisco, CA.

Greg Madison

Greg has been practising as an existential psychologist and focusing-oriented psychotherapist for over 30 years. He lectures and supervises internationally on experiential-existential practice and focusing. He has written about a phenomenological form of embodied psychotherapy, the experience of ‘home’, and voluntary migration. Greg is originally from Canada but has lived most of his life in Europe, mostly in the UK.

Dr. Dina Glouberman

Dina Glouberman, Ph.d, is a psychotherapist, writer, international trainer, and world expert in imagery based therapies. She is Co-founder/Director since 1979 of Skyros Holistic Holidays, which has pioneered community-oriented holistic health holidays worldwide.

More recently, she has founded and directs the Aurora Centre in Southern Italy, to train therapists, counselors, and consultants in her approach. She is a course leader on the Faculty of the MA(Clinical) in Psychotherapy of the Tivoli Institute in Dublin, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Humanistic Psychology (Britain).

Dr. Glouberman is the author of the classic and widely translated books Life Choices, Life Changes, The Joy of Burnout, You Are What You Imagine, and Into the Woods and Out Again. Her forthcoming book, ImageWork: The Complete Guide to working with transformational imagery (PCCS Books), will be launched in April 7, 2022 with a book launch on Onlinevents.

Dr. Martin Rossman, leading imagery author in the USA, has said about it “In my 50 years in the field, this is the best book I have read about working with imagery for healing, creativity and personal transformation. A landmark book—I shall be studying it.”

Maria Sorokopud

Maria is a former MD (GP, cardiology, gastroenterology specialist), psychotherapist, CTA- trainee. She has worked for the past five years in the transactional analysis (TA) modality as a psychotherapist (under supervision).

Mamood Ahmad

I am a UKCP Psychotherapist, trainer, author and founder of "The Antidiscrimination Foundation" (TADF) which provides diversity and anti-discrimination focused consultancy & training services to institutes and individuals.

I hold a private practice in the village of Binfield, Berkshire. I am very passionate about Wing Chun so best not to ask me about it unless you have a long time to listen!

Ani de la Prida

Ani is a psychotherapist, creative arts counsellor and supervisor who brings a person-centred and pluralistic philosophy to her work. She is passionate about creative approaches to therapy and training. She has over twenty years’ experience working with children, young people, adults and groups. Her experience includes working in schools, drug treatment programmes, probation services, offender programmes, EAP for Essex Police and Essex Fire Services, and she currently has a small private practice.

Ani is the founder of the Association for Person Centred Creative Arts where she is course director, and is also a senior lecturer at the University of East London. Ani has worked on several projects for the BACP and is an Executive Member of the Private Practice Division. Her research interests include creative arts in therapy, digital media in therapy and pluralistic practice.

The Pluralistic Therapy Primer (PCCS Books 2021)

What Works in Counselling and Psychotherapy Relationships (BACP 2020)

The Handbook of Counselling Children and Young People (Sage, 2018)

Kate Williams

Kate is a BACP Accred. Integrative Counsellor & Trauma Therapist having trained in EMDR and sensorimotor L1 and as a Breath Coach. She also has a keen interest in parts work having studied the Psychology of Selves Model and Voice Dialogue.

Kate runs a busy private practice online and in-person as well as working within the Hertfordshire IAPT service. She manages and tutors at The Bedfordshire Centre for Therapeutic Studies teaching on their L4 and L5 Somatic Trauma Therapy Diploma and Breath Coach Award.

Kate's background is working as a counsellor in further ed. and still enjoys working with c&yp.

Maureen Cooper

Maureen is the founding director of Awareness in Action, an organization dedicated supporting people to make sustainable wellbeing part of their lives—through developing clarity, connection and openness.

Drawing on more than thirty years of experience as a professional educator, senior manager in a non-profit organization, an entrepreneur and as an experienced practitioner of Buddhist meditation, she leads Awareness in Action workshops and training programs in the UK and Europe.

Her new book, The Stress Workbook is a groundbreaking effort that brings together the best of modern science and the wisdom of the world’s ancient contemplative traditions into a practical manual for thriving in today’s fast-paced world. Although born in London, UK love took Maureen to Amsterdam, The Netherlands where she lives with her husband.

Sue Monckton-Rickett

Sue Monckton-Rickett is the Chair of the Association of Christian Counsellors. She is a Registered Accredited Counsellors and has been working in private practice for over 25 years, giving her a wide range of training and experience, including creatuve therapy as a Jungian sandplay therapist. She is an experienced trainer for both counselling and pastoral care, conference speaker and retreat leader and pastoral supervisor. Sue with her husband Chris lead an orgnisation called WINGS (Wholeness In God’s Son), which seeks to bring wholeness to the lives of individuals, families and communities, through counselling, , retreat leading, pastoral supervision and training. In the last two years Sue has been the independent chair of a panel established by the Church of England to support survivors of church based abuse. Sue is also a qualified accountant and project manager and worked for international banks in the City of London for 30 years in these roles.

Christina Bachini

Christina has been working as a coach and counsellor for over 35 years. She trained as a humanistic psychologist and counsellor in the early 1980′s and then went on to develop skills as an NLP Trainer, hypnotherapist and Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling Practitioner, art therapy and sand play. Christina brings her background in understanding the deep structure to raise awareness of what is stuck at an unconscious level. Today she works as an Executive and Leadership coach and works with individuals using her unique 2-day Chrysalis process and is an individual and group coach Supervisor.

William Ayot

William Ayot is an award-winning poet, author, teacher and ritualist. Over three decades, he has organized, hosted, facilitated and led, men’s and mixed personal development events and rites of passage, working in rehab, correctional, personal development and organizational contexts. He uses poetry and the arts to teach leadership in boardrooms and business schools around the world, currently teaching on the Advanced Management Programme at INSEAD. William also designs and leads bespoke rituals for individuals and groups in his purpose-built ritual garden in Monmouthshire, Wales. Writing includes the play, Bengal Lancer, three collections of poetry, and a prose book on ritual. He is currently writing a book for and about men in a time of epochal change.

William leads personal rituals for people, and is available for one-to-one coaching online.

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Leonore Langer

An inspiring day on a difficult and stressful topic, but one that left me feeling energised and confident despite everything.

Sheila Kavanagh

"This event was both professionally and personally thought provoking. The fact that everyone gave their time for free was an amazing reminder of the good in the world. The variety of sessions throughout the day made it difficult as it was hard to choose between so many different speakers. It was a great idea to sell the recording as it means I can go back and do the sessions I missed on the day. I cried, I laughed and left feeling improved and with a sense of belonging."

Helen Newton

An excellent opportunity to access seminars and lecturers from experts in their fields for an extremely worthy cause.

Sharon Ely

Amazing in content and tone in the moment, the best of our industry came together as presenters and supporters.

Jo Tyler

This was a really great day, full of hope and potential for connection and solidarity around such huge global and local issues. I was inspired and invigorated by the knowledge that there are so many people who care about some of the same things that are important to me. Thank you for your time and dedication to organising such an important event. It was wonderful to see Ukrainian colleagues and to be able to hear how things are for them at this terrible time.


5 star rating

Ann-Marie Wilson

Thank you so much for this, its been great to go back over things attended on the day and other sessions missed. Very inspiring, thought provoking and needed.

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Thank you so much for this, its been great to go back over things attended on the day and other sessions missed. Very inspiring, thought provoking and needed.

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