Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
A Person-Centred Perspective on Trauma Workshop with Sheila Haugh
Sheila Haugh

Sheila is Course Leader for the MSc Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Applications at the Metanoia Institute in London. A former convenor of the BAPCA, and member of the board of the WAPCECP, she works as a psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer and consultant in the UK and in the Czech republic where she has lived for the last 11 years.

She was a member of the UKCP Training and Universities College and was involved in the process of getting the tittles ‘person-centred psychotherapist’ and ‘client-centred psychotherapist’ registered in the UKCP. Co-editor of two books and author of a number of chapters.

Sheila is currently involved in developing the dissemination of person-centred based qualitive research from MSc students at Metanoia.

Testimonials: Live Attendees


This was a really refreshing and informative look at trauma from a person-centred perspective. With Sheila's many years in the world of counselling it was great to hear a subtle echo of Carl Rogers voice in there about the shifting and evolving nature of person-centred therapy to assist in the ever changing view of trauma.


Great lecture that has re-enforced my belief in the power of the person-centred approach. it is totally 'enough' to support people affected by trauma.


An event that was at once reassuring and enthusing, conducted by a facilitator who lives the approach in all its difficulties and potentials and was completely engaging.


Brilliant presenter! A joy to listen to, very engaging. Also very knowledgeable and yet so down to earth.