Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Caz Binstead

Caz is an experienced therapist and supervisor, working full-time in private practice. She specialises in the growth and maintenance of both ethical, and, thriving practice, and was instrumental in the creation of the Private practice Toolkit at the BACP, acting as private practice executive divisional lead on the project. As co-lead for the platform #TherapistsConnect, she was creative lead on their two day conference, ’Private practice 2021 : surviving and thriving in uncertain times’. Caz has hosted, and held workshops on private practice, at two BACP student conferences (2019 and 2021); taken part in popular podcasts talking about private practice; and presented at the last International Supervision week 2022 conference (Onlinevents), with her workshop entitled 'Supervision for those new to private practice'. She is delighted to be back!

Finally, as a published writer, she is currently co-authoring a new book on relational ethics in private practice, with a counselling psychologist colleague (due to be published by Routledge) .

Website cazbinstead.com/

Twitter @cazbinny

Instagram night_owl_counsellor