Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Olivia Djouadi

My name is Olivia Djouadi and I am a UKCP member and a graduate of Regents University in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy. I also trained with IMT Integrative Mindbody Therapy, a type of Body Therapy with Dr. Asaf Rolef Ben-Shahar. I also trained with OLT online counselling for therapists and did the general, diploma and DOTS course so I can practice as an online supervisor.

Presently I work a lot with those that have experienced trauma including those who have survived and escaped from cults. I also work with chronic illness as there seems to be a link between childhood trauma and chronic illness in adulthood. In 2019 I gave a talk on captivity at the International Cultic Studies Association conference in Manchester. I have also given talks on DID, polyfragmented DID, Diabulimia, Cultural Therapy, Cults and a range of other topics at Onlinevents. I also spoke on chronic illness/ autoimmune conditions at OCTIA a few years ago where I would meet many of my online counselling colleagues. I contributed a chapter about working creatively with chronic conditions in the book Online Supervision.