Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Kel O'Neill

Kel is a Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Educator and Researcher with a special interest in the area of Eating Disorders. She has spent almost 20 years working in this field in a variety of roles and is ever passionate about sharing her experiences and using her knowledge for the benefit of others.

Presently Kel runs a busy online private practice and the online portal ‘The Eating Disorder Recovery Companion’. She is a founding member of the Lived Experiences of Eating Disorders (LEED) Research Collective as well as curating Eating Disorder content for both a blog and YouTube channels under the brand 'Mental Health Bites'.

Website | https://www.counsellingandtraining.co.uk/

Twitter | @Kel_MHB

Instagram | kel_mhb

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Susan Carey-Wilson

I love it's honesty and transparency alongside the valuable support on eating disorders.


I really enjoyed the session . I am a trainee therapist and I feel like I would like some more training in this field before I start my own practice.

M. Dawson

Easy to follow, free flowing and open for questions/discussion.