Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Dr Delroy Hall

Dr. Delroy Hall has over three decades experience as a trained counsellor, teacher, and trainer. Over the last few years, he has become a published author on a range of topics mainly focusing on race, masculinity, developing mental fitness and suicide prevention. His first seminal book, Redemption Song: Illuminations of Black British Pastoral Theology and Culture looks at a range of issues through counselling and psychological insughts and a theological lens.

He has a private consultancy, Delwes Consultancy, offering counselling, personal development sessions, cultural competency and inclusive leadership, and other tailor-made training packages to suit a variety of situations. Primarily, Dr Hall is committed to dealing with human pain while developing trust, so people can recover and thrive. He has extensive experience in leading groups, developing teams, and is committed to teaching, training, and human development.