Meditation has been a stable part of my life for over forty years. It’s the basis on which everything else rests and what gives me energy and inspiration for everything that I do. During the time that I have been offering courses for Onlinevents, I have met many people who are interested in meditation and want to get into it seriously but struggle to make it part of their lives.

This 4-session series of workshops aims to offer a way of doing just that. Each session is just one hour long. We’ll cover a topic of interest in establishing a regular meditation practice and then there will be time for question-and-answer sessions. Sessions will take place on different days, spaced apart by two or three weeks. This will provide maximum flexibility for participants and gives lots of time for practice in between. There’ll be suggestions for homework for those who want to get serious. If you cannot do every session that is fine. There will be recordings in the library to catch up.

These are the topics we will cover:

Session 1: Your Mind on Automatic Pilot

Session 2: Using your breath

Session 3: Looking at how we react

Session 4: Letting things be

Course curriculum

    1. Workshop Details

    2. Workshop Recording

    1. How to Make Meditation Part of Your Life: Using Your Breath Part 2 Workshop with Maureen Cooper

About this course

  • £9.99
  • 3 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Maureen Cooper

Maureen is the founding director of Awareness in Action, an organization dedicated supporting people to make sustainable wellbeing part of their lives—through developing clarity, connection and openness. Drawing on more than thirty years of experience as a professional educator, senior manager in a non-profit organization, an entrepreneur and as an experienced practitioner of Buddhist meditation, she leads Awareness in Action workshops and training programs in the UK and Europe. Her new book, The Stress Workbook is a groundbreaking effort that brings together the best of modern science and the wisdom of the world’s ancient contemplative traditions into a practical manual for thriving in today’s fast-paced world. Although born in London, UK love took Maureen to Amsterdam, The Netherlands where she lives with her husband.