Interview Details
Interview Recording
Audio Recording
Mel Riley

We work with adults, children, and families in Private Practice. I have a passion for providing caring therapy that fits for the client and we work hard to adjust our approach to fit client’s individual needs.

I am a senior accredited BACP therapist and also a Senior Accredited Children’s and young Persons Counsellor and we are based in Wolverhampton, West Midlands.

When required, River works along side me and we aim to provide a different experience than the formal therapy that may be traditionally offered in a clinic or CAMHs setting, which may not suit all clients.

Having a dog in therapy brings a very different type of experience for clients, particularly with children who may have been difficult to engage in traditional services and who may have difficulties with attachment or trust.

We work with a high number of children in care, including Autism and Asperger's. I understand how blocked trust can lead to blocked care and we work hard to provide a fun and informal environment for therapy, so that children can feel comfortable and safe enough to work with us.

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