Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Introduction to Ecotherapy Workshop with Caroline Brazier and Stephen McCabe
Caroline Brazier

Author of seven books on Buddhism and psychotherapy and many papers and articles, Caroline holds an MPhil in counselling, diplomas in counselling and groupwork and a supervision certificate. She is a BACP Accredited psychotherapist. Caroline originally trained as a teacher and has worked extensively in education, health and with women's groups. She has been a teacher and is an ordained Jodo Shinshu Buddhist priest (Japanese Pure Land Buddhism). In the past she has taken a special interest in eating disorders and more recently in ecotherapy. Caroline has three adult children.

Caroline set up the initial Ten Directions ecotherapy training course in France back in 2011. It has continued to grow ever since, with Caroline’s involvement being key at every stage.

Caroline is a member of the core Ten Directions team.

Stephen McCabe

Stephen McCabe is an ecotherapy practitioner who works with mindfulness, tarot, myth and storytelling. He grew up in the working-class suburbs of Liverpool, England. He adored wild animals as a child, which he would encounter in city parks amongst the broken glass and litter. However, he lost touch with his nature-connection in his adult life. When he was in his late thirties, he tried his first mindfulness exercises in a local park and it changed his life. Little did he know he was practising ecotherapy! Nature came alive for him in those moments, and so began his journey practising Buddhism in the Serene Reflection Meditation (Soto Zen) tradition and connecting with nature.

Stephen is a qualified person-centred counsellor and he ran Scotland’s national LGBT+ helpline for many years. Stephen trained on the Ten Directions programme from 2018-2020. He now runs various online nature programmes (including ecotherapy programmes based solely on mythology and storytelling) through his ecotherapy practice Nature Therapy Online. He also works as an ecotherapist for the Edinburgh-based charity Health All Round.

He lives in a small village in Midlothian, Scotland: an area which he adores and has written a book of nature-based folktales about, ‘The Moorfoot Tales’.

Stephen is a member of the core Ten Directions team.

Tariki Trust offers courses, training and retreats which centre on our shared interest in our living systems. These include training and events linked to ecotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, environmentalism, spiritual care and other forms of engaged Buddhism. A UK registered Buddhist charity, Tariki Trust was founded in 2011 and has become an umbrella for a wide range of activities in these inter-related fields.

Website www.tarikitrust.org

Facebook Ecotherapy with Tariki