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Cedric M. Speyer

Cedric M. Speyer, M.A., M.Ed., RP, is an author, Registered Psychotherapist, and presently a mentor to coaches, counsellors, and therapists. He pioneered E-counselling in Canada, overseeing 100K online cases before establishing InnerView Guidance International (IGI). The vision of IGI brings together the historically separate domains of mental health and spiritual awareness in a new synthesis for the helping professions.

DeeAnna Merz Nagel

DeeAnna Merz Nagel, D.Th., LPC, LMHC, BCC, is a licensed psychotherapist and board-certified coach. DeeAnna teaches the ethical integration of alternative and psychospiritual approaches for coaches and therapists. She holds several certifications in the healing arts including Reiki and aromatherapy. DeeAnna’s doctoral studies focused on multifaith spiritual direction.

Nicolas Canon

Nicolas Canon’s online courses, retreats and writings support those seeking to move from disenchanting, frustrating love scenarios to healthy, inspiring, and passionate romances. He has studied with various spiritual teachers, South American shamans, and yogic mystics. His work integrates ancestral indigenous wisdom, modern coaching and therapy tools, and eastern mysticism.

Anastasiia Tumanova

Anastasiia Tumanova is a breathwork and somatic therapy facilitator. Her practice explores healing and transformation leveraging tools that bypass the mind's attachment to control, logic and meaning and opening up the body to the wisdom it carries. Tools that allowed her to heal herself from chronic illness, eating disorders, insomnia, and depression, consistently recreate similar results for her clients.