Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Caz Binstead

Caz is an experienced therapist, facilitator and supervisor, working full-time in private practice. She specialises in the growth and maintenance of both ethical, and, thriving practice, and was instrumental in the creation of the Private practice Toolkit at the BACP (also acting as the private practice executive divisional lead on the project).

For the platform #TherapistsConnect, she was creative lead on the two day conference, ’Private practice 2021 : surviving and thriving in uncertain times’. Caz is also a keynote speaker on the subject, and has hosted, and held workshops on private practice at two BACP student conferences (2019 and 2021). She has presented at the last two International Supervision weeks (2022 and 2023), with her workshops entitled 'Supervision for those new to private practice’ and ‘An Isolated Sector: Thinking about holistic self-care in private practice’, and enjoys recording podcasts on the subject, one of her most recent being, ‘How Clear Boundaries Helps You Grow Your Practice’, with Jane Travis (‘The Grow Your Private Practice show’).

Finally, as a published writer, she is excited to be co-authoring a new book on relational ethics in private practice, with a counselling psychologist colleague (due to be published by Routledge).

Maxine Walsh

Maxine Walsh MIACP has worked as a counsellor and psychotherapist for 12 years, with five years experience in private practice. Born and raised in a large Dublin family, she is now raising her own family, living in Dublin South West since 2004.

She has most recently run a sell-out workshop, focused on helping people increase their self-esteem. Last year, she ran a community challenge, aimed at guiding those who wish to welcome the practice of gratitude into their lives.

This idea for workshop arose from her own curiosity about the ‘art of doing less’.