Interview Details
Interview Recording
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Mike Trier

I have a private practice in Sheffield, mainly counselling couples, but I also counsel individuals. I am a supervisor and offer training, both to young people and adults.

I am BACP Accredited, and achieved both my Person-Centred Diploma in Counselling, and Person Centred Certificate in Supervision at Temenos, in Sheffield.

Peter Lindsay

At the end of my accounting career, my first wife died after a good marriage of 30 years duration.

I wanted to give something back to society. I had enjoyed good people relations, so I decided to try counselling. I thought having worked internationally might be useful to enable me to also counsel across borders and cultures.

I trained with Relate doing an MA in relationship counselling at Hull uni while working with them. I widend that skill set with numerous other certified courses.

I worked with the Samaritans for a while, both in France and the UK, and qualified as a family mediator. I now have a private counselling practice (BACP registered) seeing couples and individuals. Sometimes I visit clients at their home or via on-line or phone link, and I also counsel at a Welsh college where I work with teenagers and adult students who need support for many issues.