Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Queer Experiencing, Trauma and Person-Centred Therapy Workshop with Rachael Peacock
Rachael Peacock

Rachael Peacock is a UKCP registered psychotherapist holding an MSc in Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Applications from the Metanoia Institute. She is a person-centered psychotherapist in private practice in East London and is a researcher and trainer on gender, sexuality and relationship diversity within counseling and psychotherapy. She is the Link for the Person-centred Association’s Gender, Sexuality and Relationship Diversity Special Interest Group.

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Neil T.

A very broad and thorough introduction to how PCA can facilitate engagement with the lived issues of queer-trauma-bringing clients. Also refreshingly acknowledging of the socio-political context within which the clients live.


An excellent presentation. The content was very well structured, offering a thorough understanding of an important and complex issue in a relatively short time. The presentation style worked for me, in that sometimes I just want to hear from the person who is specialising in a particular area, rather than have an experiential space. The question and answer section at the end was however useful and enjoyable too.

Nina P.

Excellent, quality research, content and sharing of lived experience.