Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Yasmin Shaheen-Zaffar

A creative counsellor with a late diagnosis of Dyslexia, ADHD, and Dyspraxia, I assist individuals, families and teens with ADHD in developing self-advocacy and emotional regulation skills using my Polyvagal Teen® resources and programs.

With the exponential increase in ADHD diagnosis I often ponder, - is society's neoliberalism capitalistic expectations a contributor to this “disorder”? I dont have the answers but through these conversations I have created space for discussions. My diagnosis has given me the confidence to speak out against societal norms that do not cater to my brain's functionality and embrace my creativity.

Through my lived experience, especially with education and research on trauma's impact on gene expression and epigenetics, I will share with you why I believe my childhood and intergenerational trauma has contributed to my differences, and how my labels validate my experience.