Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Matthew Bolton

Matt Bolton is a multiply-neurodivergent (autistic and ADHD) individual studying for a Master’s degree in clinical social work at Saint Leo University (United States; Florida). Matt has Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in psychology, is a professor of psychology at Saint Leo University, and has experience as a crisis counsellor with the US-based Crisis Text Line. He has been part of that organization since early 2021 and recently was selected to assist with a new pilot program collaboration between Crisis Text Line and Kids Help Phone in Canada. Matt, passionate about the person-centred approach, works through and is a member of the Center for Studies of the Person and is a member of the Association for the Development of the Person-Centered Approach.

I presently have 3 articles, titles below, which are forthcoming in The Person-Centered Journal and Renaissance newsletter of the ADPCA

De-centering neuro-normativity is an imperative in humanistic psychotherapy: Towards a neurodiversity-informed, person-centered approach

On the further de-centering of therapeutic neuro-normativity: Psychological contact to meet the needs of persons on the autism spectrum

Three ideas in person-centered, neurodivergent-affirming therapy

Website | www.mattbolton.me 

Twitter | @matthewbolton__