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Workshop Details
Workshop Recording

Foundation Certificate in The Application of The Polyvagal Theory in Counselling & Psychotherapy - SELF STUDY COURSE

Maggi McAllister-MacGregor

Maggi McAllister-MacGregor is a therapist and professional dog trainer with over 20 years of therapy practice, and has had dogs all through her increasingly long life!!

She has a passion for Polyvagal Theory and presents workshops on the topic to therapists. As a professional dog trainer, she sees many cases where dogs are stressed, and this often results in reactivity which may even escalate to aggression. Her philosophy in dog training is that there are 'no bad dogs', and that dogs are doing the best they can, with the education we give then, in the environment that we expose them to. (To paraphrase Susan Garrett - the developer of Games-Based training using positive reinforcement methods).