Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Sabnum Dharamsi

Sabnum Dharamsi is Lead Tutor for the Diploma on Islamic Counselling and certificated courses. She is the Convenor of the Islamic Counselling module for Cambridge Muslim College and co-founded the Islamic Counselling Courses.

Her previous consultancies are diverse and include Chair of the Muslim Women’s Helpline, Trainer for Women into Work for University, European Partnership Programmes, Tutor for Bedford College Person-Centred Diploma, and International Head Facilitator for the Academy of Self Knowledge (ASK) leading on student learning methods and the training and supervision of a global team. She was Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator (Commissioning) for the Luton Primary Care Trust and has conducted research, policy and training on health and welfare issues. Key areas of work include young people and violence, sex and relationships, drug use and lifelong learning. Her focus on Learning and Development has led to extensive programmes for Learning Skills Councils (LSC’s), the Home Office Board of Visitors, and BT.