Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Gracy Andrew

Gracy Andrew is the first level 3 ACTO registered online therapist based in Goa, India. She is also Special Advisor for CorStone an international organization that implements personal resilience programs for low income communities and is a tutor at the Academy for Online therapy. She works with children and young people and their families as well as adult populations and is passionate about the role of research in evidencing online.

Basi Amodu

Basi is an accredited Integrative counselling therapist having qualified with a master’s in counselling children. She has an employment background in domestic abuse, family and parent work that led her to becoming a therapist. She enjoys working online as a therapist and clinical supervisor in private practice. She works in schools, is a trainer and consults. She is a registered and accredited member of the BACP. A professional Member and Director of ACTO and a qualified Clinical Supervisor. Internationally, she is an Associate Member of the BSP (Barbados Society of Psychology). She is passionate about shared therapeutic experiences and research from a more cultural and global perspectives she feels this brings an enriching and more open dynamic when working with children, young people and families.