Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
The Impact of Trauma at Different Developmental Stages A PCA Perspective - Jan Hawkins
Jan Hawkins

Jan Hawkins has a background in psychology, teaching and training in the PCA. Since 1991, she has been in private practice as a Person-Centred therapist, supervisor, group facilitator and trainer. Jan ran groups for Survivors of childhood abuse during the early nineties, controversially offering groups with women and men together, and for those who had experienced any type of abuse. Many students and supervisees reported their difficulties in locating good, practical and developmental training for practitioners focussing on the issues raised by a history of childhood abuse. In response to this expressed need in 1994 Jan created, and co-facilitated, a Diploma course in Counselling Survivors of Childhood Abuse, the first initiative of its kind in Europe. Since then, through FDP, Jan has continued to run post counselling training Diploma courses and study days with a conviction that experiential learning is imperative for the continued development and deepening of the core attitudinal qualities of the Person-Centred practitioner. She has been particularly keen to encourage Person-Centred therapists to extend their practice to people with learning disabilities, many of whom suffer silently from their legacies of childhood abuse.

Testimonials: Live Attendees

Amy Gethings

I liked Jan's personal approach and that she doesn't like the word "disorder". I liked the 10 minute self-reflection time.

Paula Mates

It was good to revisit some areas of my training. The material resonated for me in regards to my own experiencing of childhood trauma and the narrative of trauma. My practice and research working with clients facing homelessness, proves this judgement very wrong! It was very comforting and reassuring to know and to feel not alone in this, and know as PC therapists we are making a significant difference in the field of trauma. Thank you to Jan Hawkins for the workshop, Fiona and all at Onlinevents for this much needed series of workshops.

Helen Jones

An excellent event that made me feel, safe and warm and enhanced my practice. A lovely bite-sized approach with like minded people.