Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Gillian Walter

Gillian is a Master coach, supervisor, mentor, artist, owner of Inside-Out Coaching and author of 7 Choir of Brave Voices books and creative reflection resources. Accredited by the ICF, EMCC, EASC and CSA, her client work stems from creative, narrative and somatic coaching and supervision methodologies with a specialisation in working creatively. British born, she now lives and works bi-lingually in Switzerland with her family and Schnauzer.

Gillian works with creativity, storytelling and metaphor to open up broader perspectives for innovative solutions than the rational thought process alone is capable of.

Shirley Smith

Shirley Smith is passionate about the potential of working with creative methodologies in supervision. She has been actively involved in enabling the ongoing development of leaders as a vehicle in support of wider culture and systemic change.

Shirley works mainly in multi-cultural environments around the globe from her current base in Vienna, Austria. She mainly provides supervision to individuals and small groups who are keen to access supervision as part of their own ongoing professional development and self-care. They also want to develop their own practice in working more ‘creatively’. She has been experimenting more recently with ways of making creative supervision accessible online and also with and without video. A kind of learning laboratory.