Event Details
VIDEO - The Therapeutic Relationship Handbook: Theory and Practice – Divine Charura & Stephen Paul - (60 Minute learning)
AUDIO - The Therapeutic Relationship Handbook: Theory and Practice – Divine Charura & Stephen Paul - (60 Minute learning)
Suggested Reference
Dr. Divine Charura

Dr. Divine Charura is a full Professor of Counselling Psychology at York St John University (England). He is a Chartered Psychologist, and Counselling Psychologist with the British Psychological Society. He is registered as a Practitioner Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council in England. Divine is also an Honorary Fellow of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and an Adult Psychotherapist.

Divine’s psychotherapeutic interests are in exploring the therapeutic relationship when working with, loss, diversity, psychological distress, Trauma, love, relationships and their impact of on being. Divine has co-authored and edited numerous books in counselling, psychology and psychotherapy. These include Love and Therapy: In Relationship [co-edited with Stephen Paul] and with Colin Lago has co-edited the following books The Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy Handbook: Origins, Developments and Current Applications and Black Identities + White therapies: Race respect and diversity.

Divine is a lover of photography, art, music and outdoor pursuits.

For divine’s Publications please see https://ray.yorksj.ac.uk/profile/2104

Stephen Paul

I have recently retired as Director of The Centre for Psychological Therapies at Leeds Metropolitan University after 20 years of service. I am a client-centred psychotherapist and co-editor of The Therapeutic Relationship: Themes and Perspectives (PCCS, 2008) and The Therapeutic Relationship Handbook: Theory and (McGraw-Hill / OUP, 2014). I was instrumental in developing a Relational Approach to Therapy with Geoff Pelham (1999). I have written a chapter on coaching in the NHS (with Bill Penson) in Thew M and McKenna J., (Eds) Lifestyle Management in Health and Social Care (Wiley, 2008).

I undertook my first training in Coaching in 2002. I oversaw the development of an MA programme and have taught coaching to both staff and students at various universities. I am currently delivering a fourth foundation certificate to student services staff at the University of Brighton.

I have worked extensively in both adult, and child & adolescent psychiatry. I have also been head of a therapeutic school and was Director of the VSO programme in Bhutan. I now write; practise therapy, supervision, and coaching; and provide training.