Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
John McLeod

John McLeod is currently Visiting Professor of Counselling at Abertay University, Dundee, and the Institute for Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dublin, and has held professorial positions in Norway, New Zealand, and Italy. He has published widely on a range of issues in counselling and psychotherapy research and practice, with an emphasis on an interdisciplinary research-informed social justice perspective. Key texts include: An introduction to counselling and psychotherapy: Theory practice and research (6th ed.,Open University, 2019), Doing research in counselling and psychotherapy (4th ed., Sage, 2022) and Counselling skills: theory, research and practice (with Julia McLeod, Open, 2022).

He is committed to the development of a flexible and responsive forms of collaborative pluralistic practice that enable clients to access their personal and cultural strengths and resources and enable them to fulfil their personal therapeutic and life goals. A central focus of his work in recent years has been around finding ways that psychotherapy might contribute to a more constructive and sustainable relationship between human beings and the planet.

David Sanmartino

My name is David Sanmartino; originally from Spain, but Scotland is home now. My first degree was in Drama, and after working in the theatre for four years, I returned to the university to study psychology. I have a clinical background in Health Psychology, CBT, and Forensic Psychology, but my values and working ethics align with humanistic theories. My main interest in the field of mental health is working with complex trauma from a multi-theoretical and multi-disciplinary perspective. For this reason, I decided to return to the university and study for an MSc in Counselling pluralistic approach at Abertay University in Scotland. The depth of the relationship with clients, putting their needs and preferences first, and a collaborative working perspective have always been priorities to me.