Interview Details
Interview Recording
Audio Recording
Elise Marshall

I’m a person-centred counsellor, trainer, and supervisor Reg. MBACP (Accred). My background includes studying Russian to degree level; teaching English as a foreign language to children in Russia and Hong Kong; working in homelessness, addictions, mental health, bereavement, and violence against women in the UK. I have qualifications in yoga teaching and massage therapy.

I qualified as a counselor over 13 years ago and worked for over 10 years as a therapist, trainer, and supervisor with survivors of torture, many of whom are living in exile in the UK.

I work in private practice offering counseling and supervision from a Glasgow city centre location.

I also currently work a few hours a week for a small charity providing long-term 1-to-1 therapy to male survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

I would describe my way of working as broadly creative and intuitive while based within a human rights framework, founded on person-centered principles, incorporating systemic thinking and underpinned by mindfulness.

My particular areas of interest are vicarious traumatization, mind-body connection, and nature connection; and I am currently prioritizing time for reflection and writing on VT.