Workshop Details
Workshop Recording
Who Needs Value? How to Market Yourself as a Supervisor Workshop with Stuart Hillston
Stuart Hillston

Stuart is a psychotherapist, coach and supervisor working with international clients who identify as entrepreneurs - whether starting their own businesses or acting as entrepreneurial managers and leaders.

Stuart has been an entrepreneur in the software industry and has worked with entrepreneurs and those that support them, in a variety of roles (entrepreneur, investor, advisor, mentor, coach, therapist, trainer, and facilitator).

Stuart practices from a garden office in North Yorkshire and works as a supervisor to managers and leaders, helping them reflect on what they fear most about their role, and augment their resilience and skills.

He has helped 100s of self-employed and small company owners to develop and grow their businesses, and is passionate about doing this for the community of helpers he now thinks of as his travelling companions - the coaches, counsellors, therapists and supervisors.

Website www.themindfulentrepreneur.co.uk/

Facebook The Mindful Entrepreneur Limited

Instagram stuarthillston

LinkedIn Stuart Hillston