(1) Introduction to the Nervous System

This is the first part of a ten-part workshop series.

  • Overview of the nervous system – structure and function
  • Information flow
  • Evolutionary development of the brain
  • Sensory awareness exercise
  • Overview of stress

(2) Polyvagal Theory

This is the second part of a ten-part workshop series.

  • The Polyvagal Theory and the Autonomic Nervous System
  • 3 main principals of the Polyvagal Theory
  • Phylogenetic development of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • Autonomic Nervous System responses
  • How our physiological state influences these responses
  • The Autonomic Tree and plotting your Autonomic life map
  • Applications for therapy
  • The Social Engagement System

(3) Relationships and Regulation

This is the third part of a ten-part workshop series.

  • Neuroception
  • Safety and threat
  • Regulation – the Window of Tolerance

(4) Integrating the Body

This is the fourth part of a ten-part workshop series.

  • Intuition
  • Strengthening the Social Engagement System
  • Empathy, Compassion and Burn-out

(5) Co-regulate or Die!

In this workshop we will set the scene for why co-regulation is so important for social species – our survival depends on it. We will look at the cues that our nervous system detects in evaluating the safety or danger of others and how it responds to that evaluation. We will look at the role of co-regulation in how the nervous system learns to regulate itself and the importance of this in developing the capacity as adults for impulse control and regulating our emotions.

(6) The Neuroscience of Being in a Couple

In this workshop we will look particularly at what happens in our nervous system when we are in a primary relationship with a partner. We will examine how triggers that may be out-with awareness can impact a couples emotional and sexual contact. We will also consider how couples can work with ruptures in a nervous system friendly way. 

(7) Neuroscience and Parenting

In this workshop we will look at the importance of co-regulation in the parent-child relationship in developing the capacity for self-regulation. How our responses to a child can be experienced by the child’s nervous system as punishing, even when this is not the intent. We will also look at the impact of developmental trauma, particularly neglect, on the developing brain and nervous system. 

(8) Neuroscience and Thriving

In the last of this series of workshops on the neuroscience of regulation we will explore how having an integrated and regulated nervous system allows us to live life to the full – to thrive rather than just survive. We will look at the connection between dysregulation within the nervous system and the impact on health and wellbeing. 

(9) Practical Application of the Theory Part 1

In this workshop, we’ll look at two case studies, firstly, from how you would conceptualise them in your own approach, and then consider how they may be explained through a neurophysiological lens. 

(10) Practical Application of the Theory Part 2

In this workshop we’ll look at two case studies, firstly, from how you would conceptualise them in your own approach, and then consider how they may be explained through a neurophysiological lens.

We will then consider how we would work with these clients from a Polyvagal perspective, considering how we might work in both a ‘bottom up’ and ‘top down’ way, depending on the state of nervous system regulation in the client.

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.

Maggi McAllister-MacGregor

Maggi McAllister-MacGregor has been a practicing Counsellor/Psychotherapist for 20 years and works from a body-based perspective mainly with trauma, anxiety and stress. Her work is grounded in the Polyvagal Theory which has allowed her to develop her work to encompass both the body and the psyche, and this allows her to integrate her previous work as a body therapist into her current work with clients. Maggi is also a professional dog trainer where she has applied her understanding of the Polyvagal Theory in dog training to understand dog’s behaviour and help owners understand what is happening in the relationship with their dogs.

Should you need any help, please contact our team at [email protected]

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